Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Even to open the letter was a burden and she waited until she was alone and hidden from view to do so .
2 Miller was also interested in the fruit garden at Goodwood and reported on trials carried out with various walls to see if a circular construction might be beneficial , but he came to the conclusion that nothing would thrive in a constant draught of air .
3 ‘ That sounds a lovely idea , ’ she accepted , and warmed to Karlovy Vary too with its tree-lined streets and picturesque surroundings .
4 Once Allen checked and called on Marian to come back to him .
5 Does not the hon. Gentleman understand that , in spite of his apparent admiration for Colonel Gaddafi and his regime , the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 731 and called on Libya to respond positively and effectively to the demands made by the United Kingdom , France and the United States ?
6 They urged the President to hold a police inquiry into the killings and called on Congress to set up an investigation into links between the police and the death squads .
7 In September 1990 Mr. Kissane was arrested and charged with fraud arising out of activities when he was employed by Royal .
8 In September 1990 Mr. Kissane was arrested and charged with fraud arising out of activities when he was employed by Royal .
9 the transaction , even if internal and concluded between persons carrying on business in the same State , produces effects in another State ;
10 As long as they are disinterested punters rather than caring proprietors , institutional shareholders will tend to take the money and run during takeover bids rather than backing incumbent management .
11 All matriculated students automatically become members of the Students ' Association which is governed by the student body and run by students elected annually from the membership .
12 An AA spokesman said : ‘ People tried making an early getaway to beat the traffic but they 've all met up and combined with others returning home from work . ’
13 Simon was expected to be called up by the Army , and sent off God knew where .
14 It was most fortunate that a young Cambridge biologist called Mark Pryor was extricated by the powers that be from a searchlight unit and sent to Farnborough to take over this work .
15 The down-stream side is more sloping and covered with poles laid parallel to the sides of the valley , so giving the structure the strength to withstand the pressure from the water that accumulates in the lake .
16 Enemy tanks could be illuminated with laser beams and destroyed by missiles homing in on the laser frequency .
17 The woods were cordoned off yesterday and kept under police guard overnight .
18 He spoke about the Jews in an Egyptian context , though the fragment preserved by Diodorus and quoted by Photius does not allow us to see the exact place of the Jewish excursus in the plan of his book .
19 Olive Saunderson and Norman Field met and fell in love in predictably romantic circumstances when the Fields and the Saundersons were guests on board Lord Vestey 's yacht on a cruise to Norway in 1909 They were married the same year in Dublin and returned to England to set up home .
20 All offenders should be supervised after their release and returned to prison to serve out their full sentences if they re-offended .
21 These patients received treatment for H pylori infection and returned for endoscopy to investigate either the result of treatment or for the purpose of this study .
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