Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [vb base] [pron] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And I 'm sure you do n't want a long speech but I 've tried to prepare something , and I hope it 's all right .
2 there 's no , there 's no er sources to it and I mean it 's just like
3 and I mean it 's like
4 Well you see i i yeah but it 's a bigger country and I mean it 's so congested in England .
5 Whatever the activity , I still see this as the old style … it 's teacher-led from that point of view in that they rely on me to start them off and I mean it 's almost as if I stand there with a gun and say ‘ Go ! ’
6 And I mean she 's so sort of closed about everything really , I mean he 's not the sort of you know
7 And I know there 's still Petula , but could n't you explain to her — ’
8 ‘ He has taught me a great deal about the business , ’ Alice proffered , ‘ and I know he is totally loyal to the Maison de Verveine .
9 Today I drank tea alone and unarmed with the Emir as his honoured friend , and I know he is really glad to see me … ’
10 He is n't home yet and nor is your precious Maria Luisa , and for all you and I know it 's already too late ! ’
11 Actually , I sent Felicity to Summerhill because I saw this awfully exciting film called The Alamo , starring John Wayne , whom I adore , and he makes this absolutely glorious speech in it which goes ‘ Freedom , I like the sound of the word ’ , actually it 's ‘ Republic ’ he says , I know that because it was on the television last week , but I 've always heard it as ‘ Freedom ’ and I read that A S O'Neill positively breathed Freedom , as indeed do all the Irish , I find , and one has to have pots of money to go there , which gives one — what 's the word ? — sachet , which you do absolutely need to get into Society these days , and Felicity ( her name means Freedom , too , from the Latin , you know ) was frightfully keen to go , and does n't the name simply drip June in , say , the Cotswolds , and Felicity says there are teachers there with nothing to do at all , so you can tell the staff must be tip-top — I mean , what luxury ! spare staff ! — and Felicity 's always been such a tearaway and I know it 's jolly hard but I do think one needs Discipline to get one 's Freedom , I 've always had it , and Republics too , and now I gather she 's been on television , and Felicity was absolutely swearing by the school or something , Angela says , and where is it — somewhere pretty — she goes by train …
12 have a couple of trays , and I know it 's so easy
13 And I know it 's very easy for me to stand here and say you know try to keep calm and polite and reasonable .
14 I 'll soon be eight … well , not till December and I know it 's only summer , but I 'll be eight in December , wo n't I ? ’
15 Erm and I sli I yo pulled me up to one corner and I know it 's really nasty
16 and I know it 's too close but I 'm still getting a good wash .
17 He 's still young , could go into club management after a spell with England , and I bet he 's probably the *peoples choice * which would make his job easier as the press would think twice before having a go at him .
18 A friend of mine did it erm they did n't burn the erm the spirit when they 'd finished and erm you know you 're meant to actually put a piece of paper under and burn it under the light or smash the glass and erm for the next six months she could n't sleep properly and it felt like there , she was like tormented and erm things were like pulling at her , her bedclothes and I swear she 's like seeing a psy a psychia psychiatrist and she had to sleep in her parents ' room and everything really scary .
19 When Christians hear that they usually think it 's spelt S O N but it is n't , it 's S U N and the Sun of Righteousness er with healing in his wings , so Freud says and I believe it 's actually this seen it , it 's very common on Egyptian monuments it 's a picture of a sun er with , with wings , with rays shining out of it .
20 I touched earlier on some of the reasons why we find open behaviour in this country so difficult and I believe it is partly to do with emotion .
21 It is too easy to dwell on the environmental down-side of the industry and I believe it is about time we brought home to people the improvements we bring to their life-style .
22 ‘ As I say , sir , my father appears to have made a full recovery and I believe he is still a person of considerable dependability .
23 My Lords , I , I do realise and I have to be satisfied with that erm and I shall do my best , but if I could just make my absolutely clear , simple proposition that I was seeking to perform is that if you are seeking to amend the law i i it ought to be possible for those who are seeking to understand the Government 's intentions to find out relatively easily what the law is and I suggest it 's very far from easy and even if you get to it , it 's not at all easy to understand .
24 ‘ In the space of a couple of days local politicians have succeeded in dashing the hopes of thousands of anglers , and I feel it is just the thin end of the wedge .
25 Once you 've created the jobs for people it has given the economies an upturn and I feel it 's rather a shame that the erm the great problems of the of the Germans particularly have put that pressure for high interest rates through the er E R M , through those currencies and one , I think , good thing of Britain 's disaster last year , with with their position in the E R M , is that by lowering interest rates , if we only had a government who wanted to use that opportunity probably , we could train people for for work .
26 And I presume it 's just sitting on someone 's desk which is still being processed .
27 And , and I think what is actually happening at the moment in , in the parish is that there is some perception , there is a perception , that something is , that things are changing and that the parish council is of importance .
28 And I think everything 's all right . ’
29 Well if she gets here at quarter past seven and three hours is quarter past ten , and she 's supposed to be at the Penny Farthing at nine o'clock , so you know , I , I do n't feel as though we are you know getting erm our money 's worth from her at the moment , erm also erm she told me in the beginning that this was only go on was going on for about six weeks , well it has now been going on for over eight weeks and she now says that erm she does n't know how longer it 's going on for and I think she is just erm stalling us .
30 I 'm a dance kid , a Londoner , working-class , and I think there 's definitely some middle-class bigotry in all this .
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