Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [vb past] [interj] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Well , you know , I think it was a kind of sports bag or something and I thought oh I 'll go along with that and the other , I mean I had heard of them before and I made a few enquiries and they said , you know , you you were quite quality company so I thought
2 And er but it was only about half past five I did n't I never stopped till the I just kept going now tha well about half past four , I started to pack up and I realized my sandwiches were still in my snack box so I I 'd I 'd had one one earlier on whilst I was still working but yes the lady there she made us a couple of cups in the morning , er cu cup of coffee , I think about what yeah about half ten time but the time I painted a little bit and I thought oh I 'll stop and have a fag , with my coffee and I had a cup of tea later on in the afternoon but er I did n't stop , I kept going , you know and then course by time I got to my drink , it was cold it was cool , so you drink it straight down
3 And erm and say I went shopping and I I saw that and I liked it and I thought oh I 'll go in and ask how much it is , he said give us twenty five quid for it , you can have the lot .
4 And we 'd gone a roundabout way the last time we were there and I thought oh I 'll give it a go , anyway I walked straight down this road , have a look oh yes , turn up here anyway I , I sort of got me bearings and I thought oh yes it 's just down here he 's in the field just down there .
5 I went in her bedroom last night , switched the light on , went I thought I 'd seen lightning and I thought oh I could n't have seen lightning , anyway I goes to .
6 I mean that would have been a disaster I mean it 's only because I was upstairs and I thought oh I can smell boiling .
7 had something else that I was just doing and I thought Oh I should be at Ian 's for five o'clock .
8 And er I thought well I wo n't really , and I probably did n't like losing anyway you know I I I was never a good loser I do n't think , and I thought no I sha n't get many votes and I 'll look silly I 'm not putting in for it .
9 Cos I was thinking about getting out there and I thought no I wo n't in case the frost comes on and
10 I was gon na bring some back and I thought no I wo n't cos I 'll only end up eating it all this week and I 've got three weeks left to get really in shape for Christmas , you know , before I slob out and eat
11 On Monday yeah and I said oh I 'd like to see you I 've got a present for you .
12 And I started another one and I said no I wo n't be able to this and got back to the other one and did the other one . .
13 she said do you wan na come in and look at the kitchen now and I said no I wo n't stop now I 'll work
14 And she went no I would n't wear that !
15 Erm , and then Marie 's , to pick up , she gets me milk erm er fo sick of running out of milk and she goes every , twice a week to , to get er , main shopping and just milk on Friday , and she said oh I can get you milk so
16 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
17 And said , so it 's completely anonymous and all that and he said oh I ca n't be bothered to send that in , so he chucked it in the bin and they phoned him up and said why have n't you sent your form in ?
18 And he , the first bloke come and he said oh I 'll have all three of them .
19 He was sitting and he said oh I 'll write Iris a few lines .
20 Also in dad 's last night said sat up watching the gold fish and he said oh I 'll , I 'll give you , I 'll give you a tank and I 'll get some fish on Sunday .
21 and he got this job lot of perfume , and he said oh I can shot these out over the next few years , I said , oh if you really want to .
22 I said but I would n't run a business like this , and he said no I should n't think you would .
23 for me last year and he and he did Yeah I will see him
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