Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] been [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She now bent forward towards him and said under her breath , ‘ I 've been married five years , Charles , and I 've been five times pregnant .
2 I should mention that Merlyn and I have been parliamentary colleagues and friends for nearly 20 years , since he was elected by the same people of south Leeds who had sent Hugh Gaitskell to the House of Commons .
3 Aunt Elena was Mother 's room-mate at school in Switzerland and they 've been best friends ever since .
4 The team is delighted and they 've been busy celebrating .
5 And they had been good years .
6 And and come in on the , he came on the Tuesday and he 's been three days a couple of weeks so
7 There was the usual bawdy banter , of course , and it had been that way ever since she first put on her white apron and began serving behind the counter .
8 They had lived with her for three months before they got this place , and it had been three months too long as far as he was concerned .
9 But , city dweller as she had always been , she had been aware of every sound — the gentle lapping noises of the canal against the side of the boat , the small night sounds of birds and other creatures , and it had been some time before weary body and brain relaxed .
10 Whichever way , she probably had n't given it much thought at the time and it had been some time later when her mother had told her that he had left the country and gone abroad to work .
11 Ian Snodin , back after four hamstrings and two knee operations , said : ‘ That was my first 90 minutes for two-and-a-half years , and it 's been four years since I played a full match in midfield .
12 and it 's been good fun , they do want to come back
13 And it 's been six hours of torment for me .
14 Jenny gave me a house-warming present of a radio so I 've been able to listen to music while I write — and it 's been such fun !
15 Now the reason why we 've come together and this has been a recent change and it 's been this year , erm is because there are overlaps without going into deep detail , there are overlaps in our work and we were working together as officer 's anyway , but not as well as we should , so what we decided to do was formally integrate the three teams under the same unit , and we do have regular er internal meetings , management team meetings consisting of John , Pete me and Carol and we so we more co-ordinate the work for all the teams much more systema systematically , that we know what everybody 's doing and that way we believe we can use best use of resources we 've got most effectively .
16 But Nigel took the cloak home with him and it 's been another string to his bow ever since .
17 I 've seen I 've seen it been down sub zeros outside and it 's been eighty degrees in our house .
18 And it has been that way for five seasons .
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