Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] not [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ — and I 've not been well .
2 I have been constantly told what a fine man he was and I regret not being able to experience and appreciate his qualities first-hand as I have grown from a child to an adult .
3 More likely the net was carried away because the ground was bone dry and hard and I had n't been able to push the stakes deep enough into the soil .
4 Michelangelo , da Vinci , Bellini , Caravaggio , Bernini — half the world 's art treasures in one country , and I had n't been able to travel beyond the walls of the Victoria and Albert .
5 and I have not been rebellious
6 and I have not been rebellious ;
7 Roy Pointer : ‘ I have been asking for over ten years that there needs to be some bold plans , mission strategy , developed within the denominations and I have not been aware of any until now .
8 If I want to talk personally with my father about something and am admitted to him , he talks for an hour about something or other and then the time of the talk is over and I have not been able to say what I had wanted to say .
9 It was just as well because the back boiler in the kitchen split in two about fifteen years ago and I have n't been able to light a fire in the grate since .
10 Please can you tell me the name of the director , because he also directed Such Good Friends , and I have n't been able to remember his name ? "
11 I used to have three but I lost three sheep down when they built the university , and I have n't been able to find them , so I thought that they 'd be useful to try and locate them , you know .
12 You 've both been working very hard — two of the best in the Khedive 's service — and you have n't been able to find anything .
13 you 've been overtired and you have n't been able to get to sleep very well .
14 Perhaps Piers had been no more than a struggling architect when they had first met , and she had not been content to lead a life of poverty .
15 ‘ Servants , be obedient to them that are your masters ’ she read in Ephesians 6 — and she had not been obedient .
16 And she had not been blind either .
17 He had hardly ever seen her naked since the first days of their marriage , and she had n't been anxious to show herself even then .
18 All that time , and she had n't been able to get him to look at her .
19 She had n't been home and she had n't been able to call in .
20 Anne had seen her going into my room , and she had n't been able to bear it .
21 With Julius , though , it had always been so very physical , and she had n't been able to stop herself from responding to that great flood of passion .
22 The plane did not return and we have not been able to find out what happened .
23 Admittedly , if we had entered five times as many patients there might have been a significant difference but it might have gone either way and we have not been able to show any improvement in response erm to either the Pasteur relative to the Evans or vice versa .
24 Although although there 's a lot of people who feel they 're all living in the lap of luxury if you 're Post Office or B T pensioners , they are n't and we have n't been able to get this surplus er in any way used for the benefit of those people and er and that 's where the ownership of the fund really and the surplus are tied in together .
25 Creation was a really small label at that time and they had n't been successful for about two years , so there just was n't the money .
26 He felt he had the upper hand for once , and they had n't been able to set up the Microwave Gun yet , either ; he felt cool and relaxed .
27 ‘ It is also desirable that members of our senior squad not in the first team are able to continue playing at a reasonable level , and they have not been able to do this in the past . ’
28 And they have n't been able to totally accept what 's wrong with Mum , you know , that some of her behavioural problems are n't her being vindictive .
29 on disability issues and they have n't been able to find anybody else , but what they 've said , despite extensive attempts the convention has not been able to obtain a replacement for this one , due to and buys us time .
30 Apparently the , he said they 've had one of them up in court twenty seven times and they have n't been able to prove it yet
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