Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] make some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I just could tell it was all getting to be too much for Mrs Foster , and I 've made some suggestions .
2 Would at least the Noble Baroness be prepared to have a look at that what appears to be , and I have made some investigations , a somewhat distressing situation .
3 And you 've made some additions
4 She put the telephone down on the floor and knelt beside it , facing Shildon and saying Tavett was in trouble and she had to make some calls .
5 The second half of the project is concerned really with how on earth we get such program to work , such programs are very complicated , they interact in various odd ways , and getting the bugs out , getting the problems out or debugging as the jargon has it , is a really serious problem and we hope to make some advance on the problem of erm developing programs for such distributed multi-processor systems .
6 Yes , it was not so much a deletion as er a reduction in the numbers because we were very mindful erm in going through the requirement erm and not making significant changes as far as the U K was concerned and we needed to make some savings in cost if at all possible and therefore we carried out a very comprehensive review of all the items of role equipment such as drop tanks er pylons , explosive release units and those type of things which had been provisionally earmarked for a very high intensive and fairly long running conflict and it was felt that if we were to make some savings then it was a sensible balance to reduce those numbers on the basis that we could save some money in the programme but at the same time many of these items could be bought later on at relatively short notice , clearly not within a conflict but in the years to come .
7 So as a result of that because it 's been erm changed in the nineteenth century the eighteen forties and eighteen fifties , architectural historians who we who were faced with a real problem with York cos York had something like fifty medieval churches and erm er about thirty of them surviving into into the twentieth century , erm and they had to make some decisions about which ones to preserve and which ones to let go .
8 Before a prayer had formed itself , a young brown hand covered mine and I looked round to see the turbaned head of the Youngest Son , his face half covered by his head-scarf , his eyes laughing , his whole figure straight against the storm as though he and it had made some truce .
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