Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Taylor to resign and them to offer it to Wilko
2 I have n't had a jelly for ages and I got one from Sainsbury 's .
3 and I ordered it in November , it finally came in February .
4 After interviewing Susannah ( this was back in 1980 on the set of The Awakening ) , I had the good fortune to meet and interview John Huston and I challenged him on Susannah 's story .
5 I was thinking when Daniel was down here that erm Paul you know and all his girlfriends , various girlfriends , for a long time now and I said something to Daniel well you know are you sort of courting yet ?
6 It has actually raised and submerged its sulphurous head five times since its first appearance in 1925 , and when Lorne and I reached it in September of 1983 it was nearly 300 feet high and so active that the government had denied us landing permits .
7 I had brought my bag with me and I left it in Armstrong along with my wallet , spare cash and watch , just taking enough to pay for a ticket and a towel .
8 We moved to Somerset and I saw nothing of Matt for — I do n't know — it must 've been sixteen years I suppose .
9 And I saw none at Ballechin .
10 So I goes come here , and I give them to John I goes I 'll take them John and I paid .
11 Then , just as I was convinced of your innocence , I discovered you 'd lied about your brother and I caught you with Rainald .
12 No , well I mean , it were n't as though I had n't put a payment in it were just that it probably was this taking Tracey 's book and I marked it onto Tracey 's , er , Tracey 's book .
13 thank you and I gave it to Dorothy .
14 Bought my Paradise Lost in a second hand book and I ga , shop , and I gave it to Marion .
15 And I need it for Saturday — for the Clarks ’ dance . ’
16 I had to get my passport done , my parents ' written permission because I was only seventeen and I found myself in Paris two days later .
17 Once before I told you something that Angela Thirkell said , and you sold me to Edna [ E. Box , the painter ] , who sold you to Olivia , who told someone else , who straightway wrote it in a letter to Angela herself .
18 Marco said , ‘ Let's say we pay the fine and the crystal and you take us to Titan . ’
19 We nibbled olives and she told me about Italy .
20 and she had them from May Porteswell .
21 And she took to me and she took me to Liverpool and they were very good to me .
22 None the less , throughout the autumn and the cold winter that followed , those three hundred yards became three hundred years each and every time , the sign of her defeat , the sign of her capture — she felt herself a wild animal tamed and she devoted herself to Maggie with what appeared to be maternal passion mainly because she felt guilty at her lack of joy in it .
23 Elizabeth said she would like to see copies of these letters , and she gave them to Mrs Spurling — this , I think , justifies the presence of Braemar letters here .
24 Although momentarily tempted by the seductively rich chocolate dessert Sabrina 's willpower held firm and she gave it to Graham .
25 And she wanted her to Mr .
26 And er so she goes to Guatemala , and she goes for my er one of my daughters a wedding present , and she er a lovely dress , and she bought it in Guatemala for thirty pounds , she .
27 And he said nothing and she did nothing until Geoffroy , the tough son , took exception to his brother Fromont taking refuge in a monastery , and when he would n't come out , he piled up brushwood and burned the whole thing down , monks and Fromont and all .
28 I went round the tables that night as usual , making everybody feel welcome , and she introduced herself as Clare 's sister .
29 And she put it before Gabriel on a wooden plate and gave him a wooden cup full of water .
30 this white Zephyr , and we got it from Liverpool , Wayne 's Drive in Liverpool , a big garage .
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