Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Once the truth becomes apparent , nephew , ’ explained Richard of Gloucester , and I judge there to be no further danger of a rising to place another on the throne or appoint another as Lord Protector , Vaughan and Rivers shall be released — and no harm done . ’
2 I think I left the Bench at least with an impression that they had someone very special to deal with , I was , of course , all the time praying that no one for the police would ask for his Conduct Sheet , which they overlooked after making a dutiful response to the Bench , and I hurried away to be met outside the Court by Stewart , who at once asked me to lend him a pound .
3 There were n't many weighing machines in Baldersdale , but then a friend had to get one because of health problems and I turned out to be something around ten stones .
4 As God drives back the waters so that they can cross in safety , and as he sends the wall of water rushing down upon Pharaoh 's forces , Israel learns the truth of Moses ' words : " The Lord will fight for you , and you have only to be still " ( 14:14 ) .
5 Helen 's back was very straight and she seemed not to be eating .
6 She was a local farmer 's wife and she went on to be our first member of Parliament and me brother was helping her and mum and dad , you see , was working for the , we , we got the house as a committee room and all , all the and I can remember going with mother , we had , we had a Co-op paper or it was Co-op orientated I 'm sure news and I can remembering canvassing Walsall Wood with me mother , well I ca n't see my Guild members doing that .
7 She did not want to face either of them — the pain of her own betrayal went too deep for that , and she wanted only to be left alone , to deal with her heartache as best she could .
8 I know of someone who took in an old lady and she turned out to be well-known for being difficult .
9 He took her back to her flat in Putney , which was a long way , and she turned out to be keen on cocoa .
10 and we have yet to be contacted erm despite th the fact that at the time we had our last meeting the thing was supposed to be in the post .
11 It , it 's also a chain , from what you 're going on about , people regarding the service , I mean everyone 's had a bit , not just the erm , it , it 's the purchase managers more than the er , people who pay our premiums , they are just in time and we stood up to be shot at if we do n't pay the service , or put a big ones maybe , they 'll have half a carton of raw material left for that machine , so they 'll order an item for tomorrow morning , well they 're not to blame for the service , T N T's to blame for the service if we do n't get it erm ,
12 ‘ Each one blossoms and they return home to be far more independent and mature in their own little way , because they have done and seen things in a way they 've never been able to do before .
13 The only thing they seem to have in common is their isolated nature and striking individuality , and they scream out to be included in a list of favourite miniature mountain gems .
14 Byrd and Philippe de Monte ; Byrd and Taverner ; Byrd and keyboard composers of Redford 's generation ; Byrd and Tallis ; Byrd and Parsons : Byrd research has brought these and many other connections to light , and they cry out to be the stuff of records called ‘ Byrd and his contemporaries ’ .
15 If you bought some shoes described as leather and they turned out to be made of plastic then clearly you 've bought some shoes which are not as described .
16 And they turned out to be made of manmade fibres .
17 One day Victoria made herself a pair of earrings out of porcelain to go with a particular dress , and they turned out to be the start of a new part-time career .
18 We met the students on Sunday — had dinner with them in the Sichuan restaurant , as I said , and they turned out to be very pleasant , one girl ( whose blonde hair must strike the Chinese with amazement ) and three men , sporting their long hair in defiance of the Chinese preference for short back-and-sides .
19 It was a place and time of deliberate choosing and he chose also to be incarnate as a man .
20 He was a kind of foreman ; and he had continually to be looking at his watch and calculating whether they were forward enough .
21 His goal remained , as it had always been , partnership with Britain within the empire , and he required only to be convinced of British sincerity in working towards this goal to accept the principle of reaching it by easy stages .
22 And I thought Grandson Richard was some special person and he turned out to be a human who sings when he wets himself — ‘
23 cos she found out , in her first year , she had a , a mature student and I wondered how old a mature student and he turned out to be thirty five , and he was married ,
24 They do n't have time to verify stuff , a lot of the time they just put it out and it turns out to be false .
25 Like a bottle you expect to have whisky in and it turns out to be full of a specimen for the doctor . ’
26 And one more coming up , let's take it from the bottom of the pile , literally , and it turns out to be Mrs Diane , Street , Market Harborough .
27 When you 're expecting jam and it turns out to be marmalade it 's quite a shock .
28 And for Mrs Stephanie Pearson of , Coleville and one more coming out the bag and it turns out to be C Fletcher of , Chilwell .
29 Well as an association , we naturally get ourselves involved with many other aspects of the university activities in that erm both the students are applicants of ours and come and talk to us about projects which they may like to see emerge , and other departments of the university , the music department etc. , sometimes find that our knowledge of the area , or certain aspects of some of the schemes that we 're operating , coincide with what they 're trying to do and it turns out to be that campuses like this are often useful places for residencies and artists will come and take up residency in a university for a period of time , and that 's often been exploited by the Association .
30 She was waiting for him to kiss her , he realized , and it seemed suddenly to be the natural thing to do .
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