Example sentences of "and [noun pl] were to be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The " freedom of private property " was to be protected by the state , and taxes were to be imposed " on a basis of justice and only when the need for them arises " .
2 Advertisements of the above resolutions were to be published in the press , including The Times and Topham 's World , and copies were to be sent to members of both Houses of Parliament , to other noblemen and gentlemen , and also to high sheriffs , to be laid before grand juries ( composed of men of substance ) at the ensuing assizes .
3 Over a period some mistakes had been made and several members of the Committee were not in full agreement , but if ideas and plans were to be achieved there was bound to be hard talking at Meetings .
4 In education two new city technology colleges were announced and attempts were to be made to extend the system of ‘ compacts ’ between business , schools and colleges.under which all pupils/students are guaranteed jobs with local firms when they leave school .
5 Meanwhile , book buying habits and patterns were to be had from sources such as BML and the British Market Research Bureau , TGI , Euromonitor , Mintel , and trade journals .
6 Compulsory membership of a trade union , in force since 1936 with only a brief interlude , was to be abolished , and employers were to be released from their obligation to recognize or negotiate with unions or to be bound by pay awards negotiated at a national level .
7 Supplies of liquefied gas fell 20 per cent in June and exports were to be cut by 60 per cent in the third quarter .
8 Enterprises were to be compensated for expenditure on equipment and construction and for outlay incurred because of the price reforms , and concessions were to be made in their hard-currency and social insurance contributions to the state budget .
9 There was to be an import ban on construction materials for which local substitutes were available , and cuts in subsidies to coffee producers and exporters were to be made by April .
10 To make such fraud more difficult a new electoral roll was to be compiled , new voter identification safeguards were to be produced , there was to be access to the electoral commission 's computers at the time of counting , and disputes were to be settled by an electoral court .
11 Theory and tactics were to be laid down from the centre .
12 Soviet customs regulations were to be maintained in Lithuania ( the Lithuanian government on March 17 had announced plans to curb exports from the republic , including introduction of Lithuanian-run border checkpoints ) , and guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations and " other very important sites which are all-union property " .
13 Lord Donaldson was suggesting that the parties made an informed decision that the matter had to be referred to arbitration on the basis that they had a formulated dispute where their rights and obligations were to be determined .
14 Coats , bags and shoes were to be left in the corridors and not brought in to the hall .
15 A similar proposition was put forward in a petition from the prelates , barons , knights and other Gascon nobles to Edward III that their ancient liberties , fors and customs stipulated that all issues of inheritance and other cases concerning prelates and nobles were to be heard by the king-duke or his seneschal .
16 There was nothing in the original Bill about academic freedom and universities were to be permitted to dismiss senior staff in order to replace them with younger and cheaper people .
17 If anyone else did so , his horses and dogs were to be forfeited to the contributaries , and he was to pay an amercement to the king .
18 The Central Drive line facilitated the running of tramway football specials , and on Saturday afternoons during important matches , convoys of Dreadnoughts and Toastracks were to be found trundling round from Marton Depot .
19 Many of the most wealthy merchants and industrialists were to be found in St Petersburg , where Peter had done his best to concentrate commercial activity .
20 The presidium and committees were to be formed by December , and it was hoped to hold the first session of the Baltic Assembly by January 1992 .
21 These perceptions and feelings were to be examined qualitatively rather than by means of any standardised measures , since it was felt that such complex issues could not be ( or had never successfully been ) encapsulated in a standardised scale .
22 The Official Secrets Act was to be amended to allow freedom of information , and changes were to be made to the postal service to protect privacy .
23 Eugenists argued for a quite different understanding of how norms and averages were to be calculated .
24 According to Izvestiya of May 29 , Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev had announced that the withdrawal of the 14th Army had been agreed ; the timescale and conditions were to be discussed at the quadrilateral Foreign and Defence Ministers ' meeting , postponed from May 29 .
25 It was agreed that John Major , departing from precedent , should ‘ say a few words ’ at nine-thirty , and announce that the national YC executive and officers were to be disbanded a la Tebbit .
26 Partnerships were not created in Scotland ; instead , in 1976 , the Secretary of State for Scotland announced that a planned new town at Stonehouse would be abandoned , and that staff and resources were to be directed towards a major regenerative project based in east Glasgow .
27 Lectures and concerts were to be given , for which topics of current interest should be very carefully chosen , and which had to be free for all comers .
28 It was the belief of many of its members that if explanations and theories were to be given for the facts collected in their natural histories , they were to be given in mechanical terms , specifically in terms of the corpuscular theory .
29 A kitchen , washing facilities and lavatories were to be built , camp style , in the open .
30 But , if underfloor engines and transmissions were to be used , they had to be in a different league of reliability and performance from the DMUs which BR had been running since the 1950s .
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