Example sentences of "and [noun pl] and [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They beat us down with duties and taxes and pitilessly steal the fruits of our labours .
2 To quote the Federation 's annual report for 1948–49 , ‘ one purpose of the Federation ’ is ‘ that of bringing together in a friendly atmosphere the members of different Branches and Groups and thereby strengthening the unity and spirit of the WEA in Essex ’ .
3 This meat has been grazed on the summer grass and herbs and so develops a more complex flavour , darker colour and , while remaining tender , a slightly coarser texture .
4 The effects of digestion are usually superficial , modifying the surfaces of the bones and teeth and only penetrating the surfaces in extreme cases .
5 It would n't be too difficult to restretch your canvas if you removed the staples and tacks and just reset the stretched frame .
6 The road gradually descends into kinder surroundings , the sight of trees being welcome after the barren crossing from Gruinard , and arrives at a car park as large as a football field , usually well patronised by cars and coaches and obviously indicating the presence of a major attraction .
7 Legend has it that Oliver Cromwell on his way to lay siege to Middleton Hall during the Civil War found the old packhorse bridge too narrow for his cannons and wagons and so had the bridge widened .
8 One councillor governor champion co-ordinated a petition from children and parents and even had the full council in chamber addressed by a group of young children in successful campaigns for a new swimming baths for the area and for greater access by children to school playing fields outside school hours .
9 I shall take your Christmas pudding with me , and the box of dates too , and I shall tell them all how you came this morning with presents and decorations and then found the mistletoe for me !
10 He had constantly called for reductions in the burdens of taxation on both corporations and individuals and regularly denounced the federal government for being too big , too meddlesome and too wasteful of the taxpayers ' money .
11 Brand A has been carefully put together to ensure that the slimmer enjoys a wide range of textures and flavours and still has the psychological satisfaction of preparing the food he or she eats .
12 It is decorated in Italian mosaic and marbles and above has an octagonal , domical vault which , like much of the interior , is reminiscent of Rome at its most imperial .
13 So it says this scale shows both minutes and decimals and now use the scale to change these to minutes .
14 A psychologist develops an approach to the shaping of animal behaviour and demonstrates its effectiveness on rats and pigeons and then takes the reckless step of assuming that similar solutions apply to human behaviour .
15 of income in the north of Ireland — and that the hill livestock farmer depends very much on such payments at this time of year , will he ensure that these payments and other headage payments are made in accordance with the rules and regulations and thus assist the distraught financial circumstances especially of the small farmer who has been paid scant regard in the House this afternoon ?
16 The overall aim of this audited approach to devolution is to strengthen the quality partnerships between SCOTVEC and centres and thereby to enhance the currency of SCOTVEC awards in the eyes of candidates , parents , employers and other users .
17 It is useless for religious understanding to become the exclusive province of theologians and scholars and thereby create an academic enclave which excludes the mass of people whose business is other than theological studies .
18 From the eleventh century onward the eastern arm was developed and extended , partly to provide more space for chapels and relics and partly to seclude the clergy from the laity .
19 It can cater more effectively than traditional methods for the wide range of individual needs and interests and also provide an educational back-up service for groups engaged in the process of community action .
20 The usual way of finding out what sort of Christmas the trade had , or what the high street thinks of the year just finished , is to do a ring round of booksellers and publishers and then report the opinions thus canvassed .
21 She dried her face and hands and then opened the fridge door .
22 He appealed to most New Zealand judges simply because he made good use of the blindside , mixed up his passes and kicks and generally gave the impression that he could play the percentages very much in the New Zealand fashion .
23 By contrast , the Conservative party was very active in the villages , establishing Associations for both men and women and thereby consolidating the party 's general hold over the area despite the changed socio-economic context .
24 In colonial times in North America , the leaf was often used as a bookmark in bibles and prayerbooks and so acquires the nickname " Bible leaf . "
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