Example sentences of "and [noun pl] from [adv] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The idea is to invite choirs and musicians from all over the United Kingdom to use our menu , the sheet music and the pack of the fund raising ideas .
2 Comlon International plc provides fruit and vegetables from all over the world .
3 The park is home to a fascinating and varied collection of mammals , birds , reptiles , fish and invertebrates from all over the world .
4 Indeed , the Edinburgh International Festival , which lasts for three weeks in the summer , attracts visitors as well as artists and performers from all over the world .
5 The show has gained a reputation as a regional Chelsea , attracting nurserymen and visitors from all over the country .
6 The show has gained a reputation as a regional Chelsea , attracting nurserymen and visitors from all over the country .
7 The biggest bore of the year attracted surfers and canoeists from all over the country .
8 Organised by the Department of Communication and Publication of the National Council of Churches ( NCC ) in Bangladesh , and supported by WACC , the ecumenical workshop brought together around 35 writers , publishers and booksellers from all over the country .
9 The days are a constant avalanche of meetings on human rights cries in various countries , detailed briefings for appointments with ambassadors , and working sessions with Amnesty International members and delegates from all over the world .
10 At solemn vespers in St Peter 's that day , Pope John said , ‘ The preparation of the Council , however , will not be the task of the Roman curia but , together with the illustrious prelates and consultors of the Roman Curia , bishops and scholars from all over the world will offer their contribution . ‘
11 Boys and girls from all over the UK will join Kristian for a day in London , and will discuss how best to encourage people to re-cycle their steel cans .
12 The golfing correspondents of newspapers and magazines from all over the world had gathered for the finale .
13 They were made into medicines , perfumes and unguents by the Egyptian priests and priestesses who became so renowned for their skills that sages and physicians from all over the ancient world came to Egypt to study medicine and the Mysteries .
14 Outside Westminster Abbey , men and women from all over the country whooped and wept with joy at the decision , which for the first time lets women rise higher than the limited role of deacon .
15 Maria paused in the doorway , surveying her new colleagues and their partners , a handful of them local people but mainly men and women from all over the English-speaking world , because radio people had a gypsy tendency to move on every few years .
16 Nurserymen and women from all over the country showed off the plants and flowers they 've carefully grown .
17 MORE than 120 eminent doctors , lawyers and philosophers from all over the world were gathering in Edinburgh today to discuss whether or not to treat hopelessly-ill patients .
18 The following morning 650 English-speaking officers and soldiers from all over the Empire arrived .
19 We also know that the construction industry offers few ‘ local jobs ’ : it brings in contractors and sub-contractors from all over the country .
20 If no standardized language were used at an international tournament , with referees , judges , timekeepers and competitors from all over the world , utter confusion would reign .
21 At the weekend , modern day Roundheads and Cavaliers from all over the country , saddled up to re-enact the skirmish and commerate the 350th anniversary of the war and at times the battle took on a definite air of reality although noone was seriously hurt .
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