Example sentences of "and [noun pl] so that [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Remarkable things can be done linking projectors and computers so that you get composite or varied images on a wall of screens .
2 The most relevant aspect of his advice concerns ‘ rural tourism ’ as one inevitable relationship between government and the rural people , which introduces biases in development programmes in which the poorer are neglected because they are inescapably the most remote and difficult to reach ; and in which university education and professional training blinker and condition researchers and planners so that they see problems of poverty in terms of their own specialisation and through filters of supposedly superior knowledge and status .
3 These are groups which share a particular life-style , language , and assumptions so that they feel at home with one another .
4 Nor can I accept that it is my duty to reform hawks and pigeons so that they become well-behaved social humans where the hawks stop grabbing baby pigeons and the pigeons stop nicking my peas .
5 We must begin the process of raising awareness among our white brothers and sisters so that they realise that they are hurting us .
6 Here , these have been laid in a bold panel close to the house and have also been used in strips and courses so that they tie the raised pool into the overall design of the terrace .
7 Well the problem is , you see , the devil has blinded their eyes , he had blinded the eyes of men and women so that they think that they ca n't do this , but what has actual happened , Paul tells us , i i in , in Corinthians in the first er , in Two Corinthians in chapter four , and verse four , he says , the God of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ , who is the image of God .
8 Compacts should strongly recommend that trade unionists should be released on full pay to work with teachers and students so that they gain a balanced understanding of how industry works .
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