Example sentences of "and [noun pl] be [vb pp] into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The concepts used are too numerous to be shown in this chapter , but the example of a concept/keyword map in Figure 6.3 shows how concepts and keywords are combined into identifiable groups ; and how concepts and keywords are interrelated .
2 Neighbourhoods of terraced streets , shops , and warehouses were segmented into one-hour slots .
3 As the Trees moved , both his arms and legs were jerked into taut , out-flung positions .
4 This appears to be the only source of information available to the child regarding how phonemes , morphemes and words are organised into meaningful sentences .
5 More typical and traditional folk dance steps and customs were absorbed into demi-caractère dance and were accompanied by idiomatic features from national music .
6 Nothing fancy here in the way of melons or artichokes , but damsons , gooseberries and apples were translated into wholesome and filling puddings , and a range of herbs provided simple medicines to use alongside those prescribed by the factory doctor .
7 The examination of those processes whereby religious concepts and symbols are incorporated into social negotiations of all kinds is intended to open the way for a fuller understanding of issues of power and identity .
8 As child-care is easily available and children are integrated into daily life having a child does not automatically exclude a woman from her previous lifestyle as is so often the case in Britain .
9 The first is that of ideology , i.e. that girls and boys are socialized into appropriate ‘ feminine ’ and ‘ masculine ’ behaviour .
10 Most Asian and Afro-Caribbean men and women were drawn into low-paid occupations which placed them at the lower rather than the upper limits of these widening inequalities .
11 Families were often separated , mothers and daughters being sent into domestic service many miles apart .
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