Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [Wh pn] have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 So he has , at a stroke , reached out to Republicans and independents who have hitherto felt spurned .
2 ‘ But it will definitely be rescheduled for the New Year and fans who have already bought tickets will find they are still valid or they can have their money back if they prefer . ’
3 Charles did not make extensive changes in the Lombard government , and retained many of the governors and administrators who had originally served under Desiderius .
4 As later chapters will show , advice can be given to travellers and shift-workers who have recently changed their routines .
5 She has been willing to look outside the civil service for advice on policy — to various ‘ think tanks ’ and individuals who have often reinforced her scepticism about traditional departmental policy views .
6 The personal consequences of complete isolation in hospital for patients and families who have previously socialised freely are potentially enormous .
7 For this reason , the Club descriptions are written by journalists and writers who have personally experienced the environment and unique atmosphere at each Club .
8 Although such heresies were far more common in America and in England than they were in Ulster , Ulster Protestants knew of these postures and could see that their own denominations were in formal organizational contact with other churches which did not move to sack ministers and theologians who had obviously given up the traditional beliefs affirmed at their ordinations .
9 Serum aminoglycoside concentrations should be assayed in all patients with renal impairment , patients receiving other nephrotoxic agents , elderly patients , and patients who have recently received aminoglycosides , since these groups are at increased risk of toxic side effects .
10 Her progress is delayed by the 400 parents and friends who have all decided to move to the edge of the parade ground to ensure they get good seats for the parade .
11 Unlike consumers and corporations who have clearly defined self-interests , the state is considered an impartial body , acting in the public interest and free from any of the narrow objectives pursued , it is alleged , by the business community in particular .
12 Negotiation with community language classes through questionnaire or confidential interview yields rich insights which can do much to enhance the learners ' participation , as can discussion with older pupils and pupils who have recently left school .
13 We met a number of young field-workers and others who had recently come back to work in Lewis and Harris , and were most impressed by their ability and devotion .
14 Each carpet outlet is sent enough pamphlets for their requirement , selecting known customers and others who have recently made enquiries .
15 They involve men and women who have previously married and whose relationships have broken down .
16 The students had not yet arrived , but I took meals in the refectory with a few of the college authorities and professors who had already started the new term 's work .
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