Example sentences of "and [noun sg] that [pron] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They were trading in the village , bartering orange plastic beads and metalware that they 'd bought in India for flour and grain .
2 She stood staring after his lithe figure , gripped by the same sense of anguish and loss that she 'd felt in the Piazzale Roma .
3 After the sickening shock of the rapid deterioration of her first childish marriage , she had been so afraid of ever again being engulfed by hatred and violence that she had maintained a resolute pleasantness even through the worst of times , even with Charles , who was not an easy man .
4 They had dressed him in the shoes and suit and overcoat that he had worn when arrested .
5 They were going to the home of opera , to listen to some Verdi , Puccini and Donizetti ; and to see at first hand the fine art and architecture that he had studied and only previously heard about or seen in books .
6 ‘ When I started using glass it seemed so much smoother and warmer-feeling that I decided to stick with it , ’ he says .
7 It was this ruthless clarity and brightness that she had run away from .
8 ‘ Think yourselves lucky , ’ Kadan observed as he dumped the bedding and equipment that he had scavenged on their behalf on the grass and began to sort it into piles .
9 Another waiter came up to him then with a bundle of letters and cash that he had left behind in the foyer and forgotten .
10 So , as my array of new brushes was getting rather low , it was with interest and eagerness that I accepted to test some new brushes developed and manufactured by Pro Arte .
11 ‘ The look on her face of sheer joy and pride that she had won was one I shall always remember , ’ he said .
12 He loved the bittersweet aura of it all , the mixture of ecstasy and debasement that he felt lay at the paradoxical heart of life .
13 Erm I mean the one could very easily have have got er some form of dermatitis with all the you know various oils and stuff that we had to put our hands in .
14 For the next hour Fabia was alternately angry that he could take her to such heights only to call a halt when she responded too readily , and despair that he had made such a nonsense of her that she had n't known where the dickens she was .
15 Trent surprised a disconcertingly familiar look in his eyes , a combination of guilt , anger and bitterness that he had learnt to recognise in his own father as the approach of one more milestone in his downward journey .
16 Epictetus looked at each event from the point of view of his whole life and its freedom and the courage and steadfastness that he wished to possess .
17 There was something so vivid and authentic about the little boy 's face and voice that he had to look away .
18 At the same time , however , the man appointed as Minister , Gabriel Arias Salgado , was a rigid Catholic and well known for the fanatical campaigns against sin and temptation in literature , cinema and theatre that he had master-minded from the Department of Popular Education in the 1940s .
19 It was during this period of considerable stress and pressure that we began to move towards a multi-oppression analysis as a basis for training and for the work .
20 This was meant to be the moment of her greatest satisfaction , when she unleashed on him all the bitterness and resentment that she had carried inside her over the years .
21 Ellie provoked and stimulated Mr O'Mara with her inquisitive and questioning mind , and entertained him with her ever truthful and utterly pragmatic approach , while the kindness , respect and affection that he had accorded Ellie had enabled her to grow quickly and painlessly from a gauche teenager into a poised young woman .
22 He turned towards the stove so that she should n't see the flush of shame and dismay that he had let slip Berowne 's name .
23 Following by instinct , following the trail of mind and memory that he had left , she had surely and with great purpose come to the final place of Harry 's death
24 Bland little symbols were only mirrors of colour and shape that she had to push around into the order her teachers wanted .
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