Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [noun] from [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Guidelines on assessment and care management for alcohol and drug misusers from Advice on fast track assessment available from the
2 Mafia henchmen , Wall Street asset strippers and football hooligans from Turin to Tokyo all love to give attitude in their Armanis .
3 I seem to remember one of them , one whom my mother-in-law had never much cared for , loaded down on her way to the front door with ornaments and household bric-à-brac from stomach to chin .
4 Church extras such as organ , choir and bellringers can help inflate the basic cost for the banns , service and marriage certificate from £82 to an average of £262 .
5 They care The RSPCA launches its first Cruelty-Free Weekend , November 7 and 8 at Regent 's College , London , including vegetarian cooking , fashion shows and make-up demonstrations from Beauty Without Cruelty .
6 All income and tax gains from assets in the reserve will be free of income and capital gains tax .
7 BusinessAge says that although the paper millionaires may be incredibly wealthy one day , their wealth fluctuates with the vagaries of the stock market and share dealings from day to day .
8 Mark received several letters and phone calls from Members of Parliament , all but one in support of his two papers and proposals .
9 Bronchioalveolar lavage samples and lung tissue from patients with CFA show increases in polymorphonuclear leucocytes and macrophages .
10 A cess pool has to be airtight , and installed where it can be readily emptied by pumps and motor tankers from time to time .
11 They knew I lived somewhere in Chicago , so they called Mayor Daley , who found out exactly where I lived , and then they located Tim and hand-delivered first-class round-trip tickets and baggage vouchers from Chicago to Bangkok .
12 He complained the decision to bring forward the start date for the £10 million sun sea and sex drama from September to July left him high and dry .
13 Saga too does excellent investment , income tax and insurance articles from time to time .
14 A strange process seems to occur as concepts such as culture and charisma move from practice to research .
15 1106.5 Example exclusivity and confidentiality letter from buyer to seller
16 As mentioned earlier improvements in speed and accuracy result from changes in the control of performance .
17 When precious things like the great silver cauldron embossed with gods , goddesses and cult scenes from Gundestrup in north Jutland , are recovered by peat-diggers in bogs ( fig. 30 ) , the votive hypothesis might seem more plausible .
18 Search stinging nettles , plants of the cabbage family and garden nasturtiums from May to August .
19 We shall see that the principal peculiarity of the English upper class is the survival of cultural and status characteristics from stages before industrial capitalism , and the continued dominance of non-industrial capital in powerful circles .
20 The new Prime Minister , Vissarion Gugushvili , banned the export of food , industrial goods , minerals and construction materials from Georgia from Sept. 5 to Jan. 1 , 1992 , following Gamsakhurdia 's decree to that effect , reported on Aug. 21 .
21 Thank you for using one of my snapshots of myself and office friends from Stooperdale in The Way We Were ( Echoes , February 25 ) .
22 Local Management of Schools transfers powers over personnel and staffing matters from LEAs to the governing bodies of schools which have delegated budgets .
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