Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not necessarily , since both teachers and researchers will ultimately use readability formulae for just so long as they find them of some value .
2 Clearly , more research needs to be done , but the main point is that the assumption that people with common political aims and grievances will definitely form pressure groups within the liberal democratic context is by no means borne out by the evidence .
3 No one willingly accepts that they are in the wrong and parents will certainly harbour resentment and be unlikely to positively support the school following a dispute where they are made to lose .
4 Facing the realities of the background that has moulded their early life and finding forgiveness and understanding for those who , in the name of love , have moulded this type into submission , and learning that it is all right to show feeling and emotions will ultimately bring release and freedom to follow as their hearts dictate .
5 The tour will be a round trip starting from Kidderminster with a break at Bridgnorth for refreshments and participants may also take part in a tour of the loco sheds .
6 The pupil 's increasing familiarity with the campus and buildings will also increase confidence in their use .
7 Youngsters who had hitherto been isolated on farms and factories could now take part in informed discussion on a wide variety of subjects .
8 Poor quality jack plugs and sockets can also introduce noise , especially if they have become dirty or corroded .
9 Carers and families will also save time .
10 Irrespective of personal interpretation of spirituality , the related system of values and beliefs can often bring comfort and reassurance during times of stress and when the individual is faced with moral dilemmas which require resolution .
11 Simple balances and a variety of pots and containers can then add variety to the experience of filling , emptying and sharing .
12 Sales and purchasing directors and managers will probably have authority to make commercial contracts in most cases , whilst warehouse and delivery staff will generally not have authority to agree contracts or vary terms , but no hard and fast rule can be laid down .
13 The company will also be looking at levels 3 and 4 , so that supervisors and managers can also take part .
14 These are related to vitality and sensitives can frequently see disease here before it manifests in the physical .
15 Metals and ceramics can also exhibit creep and stress relaxation and the associated internal friction effects ; their elastic properties also vary with temperature .
16 The regular clergy remained a major source of friction , however , and the claims of Benedictine and Cistercian monasteries and nunneries could often run counter to the interests of secular nobles .
17 This is only a marginal improvement , for even if a government stooge is avoided , the separate agency chairmen and members may still win control on important issues .
18 Chips and scratches will inevitably weaken glass .
19 Yet family and friends may well need help in planning for such an admission ; this way the older person does not feel rejected , but is admitted taking a social network of support with them , of people who will visit regularly , and not feel guilty ( see Chapter 6 ) .
20 The use of COMMUNITEL as a package linked to the use of Prestel and the development of information skills is well documented in the Houghton Regis School project and has been used by Prestel Education as publicity material The potential uses of such packages can be seen by examining the different ways in which school librarians and pupils can effectively present information in a novel and professional way .
21 Only observation of parental intercourse is prohibited — a very significant exception in the light of basic psychoanalytic theory — but as these people sleep in the open around camp-fires and children can easily feign sleep , this rule is unenforceable .
22 When young people form a strong attachment to someone of another race or religion , parents and elders may well express surprise .
23 Bows , bands and clips can really give height to a style .
24 Keep underarms fresh and dry by using a spray anti-perspirant deodorant — stick and roll-ons will only make skin feel wet and sticky in the heat .
25 Underlying this approach was a liberal view of human nature ; good men and women would never want war , which must therefore result only from either mutual misunderstanding or the dominance of uneducated or uncivilized minds in the political process .
26 And politicians will never yield turf to them .
27 Shiny and reflective walls , ceilings and floors will also make space seem much bigger because they throw out extra light .
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