Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Paul smiles , raises his own thumb and ducks out of the room .
2 So you thought gliding was a pleasant way of spending leisure time away from the cares and woes down on the ground .
3 Forests , coniferous , deciduous and mixed , sometimes in villages and large cities , often hunting by day for mammals up to the size of a red squirrel and birds up to the size of a Hazelhen. 24 in. ( 61 cm . ) .
4 We hope that by including a variety of cases we can inspire individuals and groups all over the country to take up arms on behalf of a threatened building in their neighbourhood .
5 There are two important cut-off points ; at a rate of above 10 ventricular ectopic beats per hour the mortality increases steeply to above 20% and plateaus out at a rate of 30 per hour associated with a 1-year mortality of 30% .
6 Few can rival the Natural History Museum 's offer of drinks beneath its dinosaur , but Christmas and new-year parties have become a nice little earner for museums and galleries right across the country .
7 A large travelling version of the exhibition was later prepared by SAVE , and shown in major museums and galleries all round the country over a period of three years .
8 No you do n't , no see they 've had er mums and tots down at the centre today
9 The transformation of the ceiling was brought about with two simple pulleys , almost on a clothes-line principle , that took a tent of diamonds and icicles up around the chandelier .
10 ARIES — A YEAR dominated by Uranus , Neptune , Saturn and Pluto can not be easy , and Arieans must expect to face some difficulties and setbacks somewhere along the line .
11 Early bird Ruth arrives on her bike and pitches in with the adult workers at her grandfather 's stables every morning before she sets off for school Pictures : STUART FOSTER
12 Eubank has got where he is by aggravating public and opponents alike to the point that all they want to see is the object of their dislike brought down with a bump .
13 Jesus , too , confronted injustice and corruption , to the point of driving the money-changers and merchants out of the temple court .
14 Yes she wanted to ride this morn I 'm taking the buggy like this so I can carry the fruit and vegetables back from the market .
15 Prosperous , white-collar towns and cities mainly in the South and dependent upon private-service industries and government employment .
16 So she did — her brother-in-law , a schoolteacher with a young growing family , a huge mortgage and debts all over the place .
17 For illuminating patios and walkways close to the house , use wall-mounted lights — such as spotlights , tungsten halogen floodlights or one of the many decorative types of light available ( globes or lanterns , for example ) .
18 Instead , we booked the band into pubs and clubs all around the country , anywhere we could .
19 Sun Microsystems Inc will be building its next-generation workstations and servers out of a family of 64-bit multiprocessor chips that it is designing called UltraSparc , and the chips should take Sun machines close to the end of the decade .
20 Sun Microsystems Inc will be building its next-generation workstations and servers out of a family of 64-bit multiprocessor chips it 's designing called UltraSparc .
21 Whey-faced and wobbling , she slowly rises to a kneeling position behind the chair and peers out over a rampart of faded chintz , searching the room for the source of my voice .
22 These rich passenger vessels , if that is what they are , have a high prow and a relatively low stern ; a carved representation of a leopard or lioness stretches and peers out over the stern .
23 Nobody in the Olympic 400 metres hurdles final could hold a candle to Gunnell 's superb technique , which put her head and shoulders ahead of the field .
24 Nobody in the Olympic 400 metres hurdles final could hold a candle to Gunnell 's superb technique , which put her head and shoulders ahead of the field .
25 Always aim to look first one way and then the other , move both head and shoulders together in the direction in which you want to look ; avoid turning the head .
26 William Packer states : ‘ In this instance the paintings and drawings from the figure are all portraits — heads and shoulders only of a handful of his familiar models long fixed within his closest acquaintance ’ .
27 These changes were seen by players and supporters alike as the dawning of a new age .
28 As President of the Local Government Board , Walter Long surprised opponents and supporters alike by the fairness with which he treated conscientious objectors , but local Unionists on the appeals tribunals were far less tolerant .
29 Laverne runs out of bank , hits the flat , cleans out of space and heads straight for the middle of the pond .
30 The shepherd hides , the night comes , and in the moonlight the shepherd sees a little fox that comes trotting from the desert , looks right , looks left and heads straight towards the milk , which he laps up , and disappears into the desert again .
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