Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Highly-strung connoisseurs on the verge of a nervous breakdown should consider the following acquisitions and activities which may provide relief :
2 I visualise a matrix even more subtle to taste the most intangible fruit of the soul ; and one day men will fall heir to a Golconda of the most beautiful emotions and joys , and from being mere trappers and hunters we shall become harvesters .
3 Community development means helping people to lead satisfactory lives in changed circumstances , and the development of new activities , relationships and attitudes which will provide satisfaction in new roles and situations .
4 Projects from Middlesbrough , Stockton and Redcar are vying to be included among the 20 towns and cities which will receive Government cash for improvement schemes .
5 State 2 modules in Biological Sciences enable the development of several programmes including vocational programmes and programmes which may provide routes to Advanced Further Education and to Higher Education .
6 Skills can not be transferred directly from a trainer to a trainee , the function of the trainer is to provide conditions and guidelines which will facilitate learning .
7 As always in such an undertaking , the art of organization lay in the avoidance of offending those who were not asked at a particular moment and in the ability to remember enmities and jealousies which could cause friction and poison the atmosphere if the wrong people found themselves together .
8 While there are many calculations and constructions which will allow mechanisms to be designed to pass through a set number of control points , they carry no guarantees that the mechanisms will not have to pass through infinity between some of them .
9 The report of the ( then ) Social Science Research Council 's exploratory Panel on Addiction in 1982 argued that addiction problems are not trivial , that they are the legitimate concern of the social sciences and that a multi-disciplinary approach may reasonably be expected to produce insights , information and analyses which will enable addiction problems to be dealt with more effectively .
10 The PL/I for ADMVS compiler adds a number of new functions , new compiler options , diagnostic facilities and subroutines which can increase productivity by simplifying many common programming tasks .
11 We combined a method for finding probes and clones which may cause map forking with the ordering algorithm of Fig. 5 .
12 There are a number of helplines and organisations which can offer advice on all these matters :
13 It would impose taxes on business and individuals which would discourage enterprise and discourage people from trying to work hard .
14 The furniture you got was just little bits and pieces you could get hold of , and you had to go into debt for it .
15 In fact , so committed is RUC management to the principle of community policing that , in addition to specialist units , the new code of professional ethics specifies that it is the duty of all policemen and women to understand ‘ those particular community needs and problems which can cause concern and friction ’ , and be sensitive to ‘ the various public viewpoints , including historical and cultural backgrounds ’ .
16 It had been set up with a directly practical focus : to provide insights and resources which would help teachers in initial training to prepare themselves to use activities involving collaborative work between children .
17 Mrs Cooke will have friends and relations who will buy papers to see her name in print .
18 Europe and developments there might force change on the Institute .
19 The vestments were more elaborately designed and embroidered , much of the work being undertaken by the Religious and ladies who could devote hours of leisure to this work .
20 The tutorial is completely distinct from an ‘ audition ’ class ; the object of the tutorial is to help a student concentrate on speeches and scenes which may extend aspects of characterisation or improve his/her vocal range , and also to increase confidence .
21 The product is aimed at engineers and scientists who can build software modules called virtual instruments instead of writing cryptic text-based programs .
22 Five of them to one desperately weakened pony with sunken eyes and ribs you could play tunes on — lassoing it with weighted thongs , and pulling it over and over on the desperately hard ground , until it was crapping everywhere in terror .
23 This chapter explains how the various pension systems work for women , how you can claim for state benefits you may be entitled to and the major changes relating to pensions and benefits which will take effect from April 1988 .
24 I would be glad if you could investigate this matter and advise contractors , and others who may have access to this accommodation , of their obligation when undertaking work .
25 Innovation of new strategic opportunities afforded by IT ( which requires creative thinking and the identification of people who have this ability and others who will champion IT and have access to funds ) .
26 By this teachers are bound together in a whole school , managed by a head and others who can create moments to hear and see all aspects of the school .
27 These can not be avoided completely , but it is best to avoid those with some types of colouring and preservatives which can cause asthma , and possibly migraine .
28 In view of the numerous illnesses and injuries which can affect people , it would be very difficult to provide guidelines on all of these .
29 De Klerk stressed the need for " built-in guarantees and mechanisms which would prevent South Africa from falling into a one-party state or being delivered into the hands of an irrational dictator " .
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