Example sentences of "and [adj] [prep] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Much larger than the other black-necked geese , and distinguished from Barnacle especially by longer neck , generally brownish plumage and much smaller extent of white on face .
2 He had said it was unwise to load up in villages because of thieves and dangerous to camp apart from each other because of bandits .
3 Under Italy 's immigration laws refugees still unemployed by the end of July would be declared illegal immigrants and subject to deportation back to Albania .
4 If difficulties do arise during your time abroad , you may feel isolated and vulnerable to pressure both from local management and head office .
5 Hugh William Viscount Gough was not able to return to her station until the following day , being on station and ready for service again by 1930 .
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