Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was from the late Sir Harry Luke , author of that delightful and civilized book The Tenth Muse ( Putnam , 1954 , and revised edition 1962 ) that I learned of the beauty of mulberry ices .
2 The parallel with policies inside multi-racial societies for banishing or reducing racial ‘ discrimination ’ or for exorcising by economic and social reorganisation the mutual envy and fear of envy between the races , does not need to be laboured .
3 God grant that here in this great home of eager thought and enlightened action and generous friendship the bitter cry of outcast London may never be intrusive or uninteresting but that year by year her choicest sons may be arrested by it .
4 ( b ) finishers case up lavatories. ( c ) inside ceilings painted third and fourth coats of white , and outside body the second coat lead colour and first coat of filling .
5 Many Rare Breed units require a ‘ visual ’ value which makes the presence of young calves during late Spring and early Summer the prime factor for increasing attendance by the paying public .
6 In a world of perfect certainty and perfect foresight the traditional view of the term structure is that long-run interest rates are simply averages of future short-term rates , so that : where denotes the ‘ one-period ’ rate , that is the market rate of interest at time t on bonds with one period to maturity ; and denotes the ‘ n-period ’ rate , that is the market interest rate at time t on bonds with n periods to maturity .
7 The exception to this is in sentences 11–14 where we find the locational reference here and functional reference the same chemical is responsible for …
8 In sociological and anthropological literature the phatic use of language has been frequently commented on — particularly the conventional use of language to open talk-exchanges and to close them .
9 ‘ I do not think if we had put down a motion which said we believe in motherhood and sliced bread the Labour Party would have backed us , ’ he said .
10 We were moored for a minute , then ‘ Let's all get the hell out of here , ’ said the man in the wheelhouse and like lightning the young lad untied the rope and jumped aboard as the boat reversed astern .
11 Assuming that your machine has a standard sized case and existing motherboard the important calculation to do is the value of what you would keep and what you would throw away .
12 May I say how much I appreciate the Minister 's approach — that if , and only if , through patience and good will the present peace negotiations succeed , there is hope for an end to terrorism in that part of the world ?
13 While the wife of Ngo Van Loc served his breakfast and poured coffee the American boy peered anxiously at his father .
14 Horizontal equity is the equal treatment of equals , and vertical equity the unequal treatment of unequals .
15 With a combination of ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance the definitive puncture with an 18 G longdwell needle ( Becton-Dickinson ) was performed .
16 They should not entirely supplant from political discourse and practical consideration the separate question of restrictions on the use ( as distinct from possession ) of nuclear weapons .
17 The European struggle was drawing to a close but in the Pacific and Far East the savage struggle continued .
18 Whatever the truth may be , placed at the service of his own dramatic imagination and superb craftsmanship the tonal idiom of the French lyric theatre and its symbolic associations helped Campra to write some of the most engaging cantatas in the repertory .
19 Consequently the daughter is left to pick up the pieces of the havoc caused by the strain of raised blood-pressure and general anxiety the next day .
20 The most probable reason , considering the fanciful and irresponsible way the tabloid press operates these days , is a wish to punish newspapers for libel in a way that hurts and deters .
21 We had made that frantic and tragic episode the central pillar of Ararat , our first volume .
22 An erudite MP named Blair Sported gleaming white teeth and thick hair The perfect example An NHS ‘ sample ’ ?
23 There were four main dialects : Northumbrian Mercian , corresponding to the later Midland West Saxon Kentish Northumbrian and Mercian form the Anglian group .
24 We would then spend a few moments sharing any relevant and deep intuition that had come to any of us , and it was remarkable to see what a full and varied message the daily passage gave us .
25 And now on the fifth and final evening the great farewell cocktail party of exhibitors and invited guests was getting into its stride .
26 As Crisp , tiring with every stride , made for the thirtieth and final fence the awful prospect of defeat loomed large .
27 He ushered in a new era in the study of religion and of theology ; he brought a new conception of what the disciplined and ordered study of both could be ; he underlined in epoch-making fashion the importance of the subjective aspect of religious awareness , pointing to what lies deeper than intellectual formulations , yet is not reducible to inchoate and diffuse ‘ feelings ’ ; he attempted to grasp and express in an original and modern way the abiding significance of Jesus , and to uncover the living and personal meaning of what were in danger of being dismissed as merely the fossilised accretions of doctrine .
28 For various reasons of a nationalistic and religious nature the New Style calendar did not gain immediate acceptance except in those countries honouring the will of Rome .
29 A The aquarium is probably the single most important and expensive purchase the marine fishkeeper ( or any fishkeeper , for that matter ) will invest in , so it makes sense to choose the best in terms of quality and function .
30 In recounting his early lessons on the farm Mervyn Cater illustrates what a high standard of craftsmanship meant , not only in horse matters but in general work on the farm : and what kudos and local reputation the highest standard gave to the horseman .
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