Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] that [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 It is this ability to produce flowers throughout the summer and early autumn that ranks them with the true annuals when it comes to creating the most colourful and long lasting planting schemes .
2 Everyone who has ever taken an exam will remember that feeling of complete and utter boredom that overwhelmed them from time to time .
3 British writers , he believes , responded to the element as the dangerous and challenging wilderness that surrounded them , whereas the Americans , having their own wilderness inland , were less in awe .
4 Only after many years of mental torment did some Calvinists achieve a certainty of conviction about their elect status , which helped them to cope with , and sometimes to change , the threatening and disturbing world that surrounded them .
5 They had stood so for more than two hundred and forty years now , victims of the great Ko Ming purges of the 1960s , their ruin becoming , with time , a natural thing — part of the bleak and melancholy landscape that surrounded them .
6 Institutions , such as the Cabinet , are sucked out of the larger political and societal context that gives them meaning , and they are regarded as having a life and importance all of their own .
7 Following Fiver , he scrambled up the lumps and shelves of peat to the overhang of gravelly earth and thin grass that topped them .
8 Two days into the journey then met with torrential rain in northern Italy ; this was only to serve as a sign of things to come ; the icy roads and driving snow that faced them as they climbed the Alps !
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