Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Within the orbit of the late Roman world , Christianity was primarily receptive ; it inherited a set of institutions ready-made , conformed to a social and political structure which had developed over a long period , and learned to live with a culture which it had little part in creating .
2 The changes in procedure and political alignment which have affected the operation of and attitudes towards , ‘ the block vote ’ — seeking to explain the causes and consequences of new developments .
3 It was an enormous leap , which he was able to make by virtue of the professional competence and political significance he had built up over the preceding twenty years .
4 He cast aside the shackles of statesmanship imposed by his minders throughout the campaign to denounce the arrogance of the Press and political establishment who had condemned him as cocky and inadequate to be prime minister .
5 Fereydun Farokhzad , 48 , a singer , poet and political dissident who had lived in exile since the establishment of Islamic government in Iran in 1979 , was found stabbed to death at his home in Bonn , Germany , on Aug. 8 .
6 Yet at one extreme a genuinely creative entrepreneur like Rupert Murdoch veered off into over-expansion and over- borrowing which have become as life-threatening as the antics of Alan Bond .
7 Cut off from the only social contact and emotional support he had known , he went downhill and ended up being arrested for stealing .
8 But she could n't just desert them , either ; for several members of the cast this play of Josh Thayer 's was the first decent break they 'd had , and she knew from dressing-room conversations just how much personal and emotional investment they 'd made in its success .
9 As she stared at him , she knew it had come , the moment of physical and emotional confrontation she had held off for so long , and she felt so vulnerable that she could barely breathe .
10 As a writer , reviewer and professional artist I have accumulated a collection of over 40 videos .
11 Soon after Hamilton 's battle-scarred book came out , moreover , in the spring of 1988 , there appeared in Britain a kind of memoir entitled The Facts-A Novelist 's Autobiography in which the issue was addressed in some passages of exceptional interest — the gaze and forehead of Olympian Zeus after the outcries and the special and professional pleading which had surrounded all but one of these other events .
12 Erm we have twenty people in , in a group and we go around and ask then how much post school technical and professional training they 've had , we would come out with an average group of a total of about a hundred years of post school professional and technical training .
13 As there was a rough , though by no means exact , correlation of social power with wealth , this meant that the élites of European society tended to be more and more permeated by members of the financial , industrial and professional bourgeoisie which had emerged increasingly as the dominant class in progressive societies since the seventeenth century .
14 The large , powerful estate owners in Castile and Andalusia continued to exercise the social and economic power they had enjoyed for centuries , based on their monopoly holding of the principal economic resources .
15 Now , still clutching the slices of unyielding satin to her , Nicandra wondered how it was possible to acknowledge fitly the immediate and selfless gallantry she had seen .
16 He took his senior men aside at lunchtime for a tour d'horizon on ‘ the wider implications of the project for European unity , and when the Cabinet resumed matters of cost and technical detail which had caused objections that morning were swallowed up in the wider prime ministerial perspective ’ .
17 An authoritarian stance is taken to be evidence of the younger staffs lack of experience of the harsh realities of industrial and agricultural life which has denied them the appreciation of the ‘ insider ’ .
18 The Alumni Foundation concerts are a new and pleasant tradition which has grown up in recent years .
19 But there was n't a plan , just passion and strong feeling which had ambushed him .
20 This places an unmanageable burden on syntactic and semantic filtering which has to select the target word-string from all its competitors .
21 With its hints of dangerous work and high selectivity it had seemed like nature 's way .
22 Students will be asked to monitor their own personal and social development which has taken place as a result of work experience and to review this in conjunction with the tutor .
23 Students will be asked to monitor their own personal and social development which has taken place as a result of the experience and to review this in conjunction with the tutor .
24 An acknowledged railway expert and social historian he has assumed giant-like status within the railway fraternity .
25 It is hard not to wonder when , in ignoring the best writing for children , they are denying the existence of the multicultural and non-sexist fiction which has reflected the changes in society over the last 20 years . ’
26 As a Greek and Latin scholar he had found them described in the works of ancient authors who wrote about the moods , emotions and actions of all the actors involved in their dramas .
27 John Walford 's fate spoke powerfully of life 's arbitrary horror , and of destruction brought down on a good and generous man who had done a terrible thing , but ‘ without fore-intending it ’ .
28 Streamline Graded Readers are based on the same clear and well-controlled syllabus which has made the Streamline coursebooks popular with teachers all over the world .
29 It seemed far more likely that , as Dr Gyggle suggested , I had become aware of Samuel Northcliffe separately and incorporated information I had gleaned from the newspapers into my fantasy .
30 For the priests , in fact , were doing exactly the same trick , and probably by exactly the same means , as the old East Anglian and Scottish horsemen who made out and actually believed that the horse 's immobility was the result of some secret and magical device they had resorted to .
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