Example sentences of "and [adj] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Abu Khadra 's heavily boned face and strong rectangular glasses gave him a slightly fearsome appearance .
2 What this may have suggested to Tolkien is that if the Old English and Old Norse sources agreed that ‘ Earendel ’ was a star , the Old English and medieval German ones agreed he was a messenger of hope to the heathens .
3 And if S&M is so politically challenging , how come so many judges and high-ranking civil servants enjoy it ?
4 Paintings from the 19th and early 20th centuries show us a countryside where humans are not dominant but co-exist with Nature in the struggle for life ; where cultivated fields are everywhere bounded by the wilderness which constantly threatens to encroach and claim back its own .
5 The pressure became too much as sponsors , fly-by-nights and average New Zealanders sent them off to the World Cup with the message that all New Zealand expected them to win .
6 This way of thinking about witchcraft and possession as manifestations of conscious and unconscious psychological states puts them in a particular light .
7 He smiled benignly at Matthew , his quiff of white hair and heavy black-framed glasses giving him the air of a learned cockatoo .
8 However , although Leese 's virulent anti-semitism and racial fascist beliefs made him the nearest equivalent in outlook to an English Hitler , his personality and attitude to leadership were very different .
9 JUST WHEN you 'd given up on Italian House , along come more chattering piano breaks and gusty female vocals to drag you back onto your feet .
10 Considerable effort has gone into evaluating the risks and developing ingenious methods to reduce them .
11 McCALL Header off line crucial in first half , while surging runs and accurate long-range passes made him thorn in Leeds ' flesh 8
12 In 1953 Antenor 's eighteen-year-old daughter , Maria Isabel , met and fell in love with James Goldsmith ( then the son of a hotel manager with little more than a taste for gambling and various romantic exploits to recommend him ) , and informed her father that she wished to marry him .
13 The television viewing public had seen images of violence and expected political leaders to acknowledge them and to respond accordingly and responsibly .
14 The present generation of British and American literary Marxists remind me of the small boy in Joyce 's story , ‘ Araby ’ , who got to the bazaar just as it was closing .
15 The pose of the bald egg-shaped heads , the jointed arms stiffly flexed in a parody of benediction , the staring eyes and curved arrow-like lips gave them the hieratic look of a couple of painted deities .
16 He added : ‘ This and other new contracts means we are one of the largest total support service contractors in the UK , something of which we are very proud . ’
17 But bosses Martin and Vivien Shrager-Powell reckon Fergie 's films and other new projects mean it 'll be back in the black before long .
18 We do n't have a in our business as many other retailers do where for instance after Christmas may be and other such things to clear we do n't have that , so there is n't any merchandise that 's been sold since Christmas that has been sold because we do n't want it to be in the inventory post year end it 's it 's just generating trade by being discount price left so therefore to a certain amount your question would be has the post Christmas and it was pre Christmas no material difference we 're very satisfied with the gross margins since Christmas we have n't had to take any extraordinary measures to generate this erm this level of sales increase that 's being achieved at constant margin a flat margin
19 Greenpeace and other environmental organizations criticize them because of the risk both of accidents and the possibility of nuclear material falling into the hands of terrorists or governments intent on developing nuclear weapons .
20 He can also make a point of talking to Mr Yeltsin and other republican leaders to offer them moral support .
21 I AM sick of Mary Whitehouse and other so-called do-gooders telling me what I should be allowed to watch on television .
22 ‘ What we had done was to manufacture this and other statistical indices to allow us to prove our point and push a particular policy line , irrespective of the economic realities of the country , ’ says Budhoo , who claims that such ‘ errors ’ were commonplace within the Fund .
23 His mop of red hair and boyish good looks made him a favourite with the ladies .
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