Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The advent of professionally trained full-time librarians is still awaited , but a number of project schools were well served by head teachers who resolved to designate and remunerate teachers for library responsibilities .
2 Apple Computer Inc filed a shelf registration with the Securities & Exchange Commission for up to $500m of debt securities , common stock and warrants and net proceeds will be used to increase working capital and possible financing of capital expenditures .
3 Once again , these examples illustrate the significance of social , economic and political factors in land-use policies ( or their absence ) that fail to consider conservation measures as a necessary prerequisite for long-term sustainable productivity and development .
5 This should enable the research to distinguish , more clearly than is usual in government , the specific influences of organisational and political variables on management approaches , as opposed to the issue of feasibility .
6 The notion of ‘ policy ’ is insufficiently precise to indicate the role of members , for example in the consideration of the scope and content of cost-improvement programmes to free up resources for developments and unfunded elements of pay awards .
7 Within days of the election result and devastating discrediting of opinion polls , Peter Kellner was using opinion polls to explain why things were n't really that bad for the Labour Party .
8 And this from a man whose more serious moments have spawned a folk opera about the island of Lewis and tuneful contributions to charity cassettes .
9 In fact , much of the day to day supervision and emotional support of house officers was provided by the senior nurses on the wards where they worked , yet this role of the nursing staff receives no official recognition .
10 Just as infants are totally dependent for physical and emotional care on parent figures , so there are some very old people , and others who are terminally ill , for whom this total care is now necessary .
11 However , in the real world problems cut across the legal and administrative jurisdictions of state sub-organizations .
12 Unfortunately , Villa Maura is now a golfer 's paradise and veritable warren of timeshare villas .
13 In an attempt to identify the component skills and abilities necessary for an interpreter to be regarded as ‘ good ’ , Brasel , Montanelli and Quigley ( 1974 ) asked interpreters and deaf people to rate features of their abilities .
14 He also wants to create jobs through promoting trade and investment with Australia 's Asian neighbours and stimulating small and medium-sized businesses through tax cuts .
15 Lothian 's roles in publishing information about the services of 29 different bus companies , maintaining the region 's 4,000 bus stops and issuing maps of cycle tracks and bus routes would presumably have to be done by somebody else in future . ’
16 Damage is assessed visually , and many countries use the illustrated Swiss guide Sanasilva which shows the various stages of decline in all the commoner native British and European trees in colour photographs .
17 We shall see in what follows that the distinction between anticipated and unanticipated changes in policy instruments plays an essential role in the application of the rational expectations hypothesis to the study of macroeconomic phenomena .
18 Both the Ministry of International Trade and Industry ( MITI ) and the Japan Software Industry Association have programmes to improve the training and professional competence of software systems engineers .
19 Objective : To co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among member countries in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers ; an efficient , economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming countries ; and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry .
20 Objectives : To co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among member countries in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers ; an efficient , economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming countries ; and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry .
21 The problem of establishing coherent , explicit and stable objectives for state enterprises applies with particular force to the railways .
22 The Werner Plan placed emphasis on the fixity of exchange rates and complete freedom of capital movements .
23 Fixity of exchange rates and complete freedom of capital movements between the two countries have not resulted in the guilder and the mark becoming perfect substitutes .
24 Under this plan , put forward by Jacques Delors , the President of the European Commission , in April 1989 [ see p. 36598 ] , the first stage involved the strengthening of economic and monetary policies among member states of the European Communities ( EC ) through existing institutions and the participation of all EC countries in the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European monetary system ( EMS ) .
25 In both countries , the concern with the political and economic effects of price increases has led governments to intervene on tariffs .
26 There has been a greater social and economic input in structure plans than in development plans , but there is little agreement as to the scope of social planning ( R. Williams 1976 ) .
27 Systems analysts are trained in and knowledgeable of the technological and economic aspects of computer applications but far more rarely on the human aspects which are at least as important .
28 The closing declaration included joint commitments ( i ) to create an Andean Presidential Council whose task would be to further promote the political and economic integration of member countries ; ( ii ) to formulate a common position on future foreign debt negotiations to be presented to the forthcoming Latin American Economic System ( SELA ) ministerial meeting [ see p. 37018 for June 1989 meeting ] ; and ( iii ) to propose a permanent consultative system to press for the full implementation of the February 1990 Cartagena summit 's agreements and measures against illegal drug production and trafficking [ see pp. 37243-44 ] .
29 For the time being responsibility for the implementation of these ambitions rests on the shoulders of Peter Shaw , Assistant Education Officer from 1985 and Assistant Director of Youth Services since 1989 .
30 Allen Wardell , previously head of the Primitive Art department and assistant director for museum services at the Art Institute of Chicago , will be the department 's consultant .
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