Example sentences of "and [art] [noun sg] need to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Police are often delayed through having to seek permission to enter places such as shopping malls , and the law needs to be enforced in pubs and clubs .
2 ‘ That 's a lot of players needed from a small area and the net needs to be cast wider .
3 The return of these changes to LIFESPAN is a critical stage and the developer/integrator needs to be confident that the LIFESPAN database has been fully updated before seeking approval .
4 The public recognise reality and real people and the Church needs to be handled in a real way .
5 They must contain a fungicide for this use ( to inhibit mould growth ) , and the surface needs to be clean , dry and free from cracks or blemishes .
6 Some processes do not reproduce pictures very well and the subject needs to be in bold relief without too much fussiness , whereas other processes are able to reproduce every detail .
7 So ke that 's right , so keep it moving , and the shoulder needs to be , to be able to go all the way up , all the way round , back you know , it 's a very mobile joint .
8 Macro focusing is generally done , not by the normal focus ring but by the zoom lever , and the adjustment needs to be done carefully to obtain maximum sharpness .
9 Where all the needles are working , you are knitting full needle rib and the yarn needs to be fine enough and the tension right , to allow the machine to knit I used Bramwell 's 3-ply duo for this at tension four on both carriages .
10 The individual and the nation needed to be seen as part of the evolutionary development of the race , through processes which obeyed observable and scientifically predictable laws .
11 Legally and formally , the authority for the raising of most revenue is annual only and the authority needs to be renewed each year .
12 But today it was as though Doyle and the Woman needed to be together , even though they were not talking .
13 And the focus needs to be , above all , on what happens in the classroom .
14 This is nonsense and the record needs to be put straight .
15 Of course , the propounding may be very persuasive and the teacher needs to be wary .
16 He just wants to go home or having a job and the despatcher needs to be established with the person who 's actually gon na use it .
17 Stan Abbott of Wensleydale Rail Association , which wants passenger trains reinstated on the line , said the new date was only a stay of execution and the pressure needed to be kept up .
18 You need to be comfortable and the baby needs to be well supported .
19 They need to farm , and the countryside needs to be farmed .
20 ‘ That bed will be here any minute , and the room needs to be vacuumed . ’
21 The life history of each and every individual needed to be grasped not merely in the context of his/her immediate environment , but as part of a broader racial history .
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