Example sentences of "and [art] [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the ‘ Etruscans ’ show will cost Memphis and the other venues around $300,000 each .
2 The Conservatives will spend £20m , the Labour Party around £8m and the Liberal Democrats about £2m .
3 UEFA 's control and disciplinary committee fined the Greek club £62,500 and the Spanish visitors nearly £35,000 .
4 Most of the examples are from Britain but European and the American journals also figure .
5 Over the same distance , people use two and a half times more energy ( per kilogram of their bulk ) than the average camel .
6 Two and a half months earlier Dedjazmatch Abashum had come here with a large force to collect the tribute which the Asaimara were withholding , but he had been afraid to enter Bahdu and had withdrawn .
7 One and a half years later gastroscopy showed some slight fasting gastric secretion .
8 Two and a half years ago Christopher , of College Road North , Blundellsands , was a prize pupil at St Mary 's College in Crosby .
9 Two and a half years ago Camel Laird started a campaign to gain access to the intervention funding and because of the total lack of any sort of industrial policy by this government , and their refusal to support the Camel Laird application to the E E C , next month will see the closure of Camel Lairds which will lead to a loss of skills that amounts almost to a criminal act on the part of this government , who seem prepared to allow this country to become a skill-free zone in order to drive down wages and conditions to a rate comparable with some Third World countries .
10 " Fetch him in ! " she ordered , and a few moments later Tristram , gagged and hand-tied , was brought into the great hall .
11 ‘ That 's what we planned , ’ she agreed , and a few minutes later Cicely was talking of leaving for the hospital in half an hour .
12 USA hooker Tony Flay had to be replaced following an ugly facial cut and a few minutes later replacement hooker Pat Johnson had his nose broken by a punch .
13 A secretary showed me into an ornately furnished drawing room and a few minutes later Sir George came in .
14 The Club and Institute Union was officially formed in London on June 14 , 1862 and a few months later Henry Solly resigned his pulpit at the English Presbyterian Church in Lancaster to become the first fulltime paid secretary of the Union .
15 And a few miles away Antony heard the boughs of the sycamore tree sawing together and watched the sinister patterns moved by the wind across the frosted glass of the bathroom window .
16 In mediaeval Britain it was eaten in very large quantities , often raw , and a few centuries later William Shakespeare commented unfavourably on its smell .
17 She watched her mother walk out of the kitchen as if in a trance and a few seconds later Carla was nestled in her granny 's arms .
18 Early next month Mr Hun Sen and Prince Sihanouk are to meet in Indonesia , and a few days later Mr Gorbachev and Mr Deng meet in Beijing .
19 Mr. Gilberd agreed to the transaction , the defendant paid the cheque into the bank , and a few days later Ballay took possession of the goods , the defendant helping him to load them into his vehicle .
20 It had a marked effect on those who read his poetry , and a few years later Leonard was to find himself tutored by one of Pound 's most sympathetic admirers and directed to the understanding of the American 's verse , somewhat to Leonard 's concern , as we shall see .
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