Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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31 The model of the tap and the glass however explains that for some people their first experience of anxiety symptoms was not caused by any specific frightful encounter but rather by the insidious , unapparent build-up of stress , one drop at a time .
32 It did not work out like that , and the world still awaits that scientific proof ( this issue , p 166 ) .
33 ‘ It was said in court that the dogs looked different and the breeder again stated that she had not bred them .
34 The failure to gain the consent of opposition parties and the improvement in the situation led to the dropping of the second proposal in 1934 and the Cabinet then decided that the matter should be put on ice unless the position deteriorated and immediate legislation was thought necessary .
35 I 've been in farm shops up and down England there the shops are very cold , feature tired vegetables and the assistant clearly feels that the punter is an unnecessary interruption .
36 Where the defendant 's entry is by authority of law as opposed to the plaintiff 's authority and the defendant subsequently abuses that right , then he becomes a trespasser ab initio ( from the moment of entry ) ( Six Carpenters Case ( 1610 ) 8 Co Rep 146A ) .
37 He said that the defendant had never been told he was being entrusted with secrets , there was no express covenant covering business secrets and the defendant never knew that he must not talk about his work outside his employment .
38 The Iraqis moved armour into positions south of Basrah to block the more obvious of these steps and the Iranians evidently decided that Kuwait could be attended to some other time .
39 The DYP and the SHP both argued that the President had exceeded his constitutional powers in his policy-making ; some Cabinet ministers claimed in February 1991 that they had not been kept informed of Özal 's decision-making over coalition forces operating from Turkish bases .
40 Both the head and the DCSL freely acknowledged that these developments were undertaken in the light of knowledge that a library project existed , and that schools might stand a better chance of securing a grant if they could show evidence of commitment to enhanced library provision .
41 " The Meeting considering that the number of useless Dogs in this Country are a great grievance , and that for many obvious reasons their number should be deminished. , and it being also represented that a number of Half Grayhounds very destructive to Hares are kept by Many This Meeting recommend to the Gentlemen of the different quarters of Islay to Intimate to the people of their neighbourhood that all useless and superflous Dogs are to be killed , and that the owner of any Dog found chasing Sheep or Lambs or running Hares shall be liable for the Damages , and the Meeting also recommend that no dog be seen at Church or other publick Meetings . "
42 tt They 'd got two handles which was b made it mobile , two wheels , and used it Have four sacks at the end of this threshing engine , hanging on little hooks , and and a bloke there seeing that it got filled alright and it when it was full , they used to run this thing underneath a sack , crank it up by hand , like that , till they got it to the required height , then nestle it on their shoulders , you see there was a There 's a there 's an art in carrying c In carrying coal and there 's an art in carrying corn and there 's an art in carrying beef .
43 ‘ In many instances all that will be needed will be advice on the improvements necessary and a check later to ensure that they have been made ’ , while more serious problems need firm action .
44 The government on July 18 took direct control of the State Property Agency ( SPA ) , whose officials had been members of the former communist government , and a week later announced that the head of the SPA , Istvan Tompe , would be replaced by Lajos Crepi ( former vice-president of the old post office ) .
45 Fergus had not been aware of the precise moment when the Lad of the Skins drew his soul from his body with the Knife of Light , but he had known a great coldness , and a sense of desolation , and an abandonment so complete that it had overwhelmed him , and for a time he had scarcely been aware of what was happening .
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