Example sentences of "and [prep] an [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Feats of this sort were probably performed as a preamble and as an accompaniment to the bull games .
2 His last years were spent monitoring the application of the treaties , and as an adviser to the League of Nations high commissioner for refugees .
3 It has also co-operated with the further education sector in Northern Ireland to develop BTEC courses at National Diploma level , both as an expansion of existing provision and as an alternative to the Certificate in Foundation Studies offered by the University .
4 Why these important barons , in the face of ecclesiastical censure , and as an alternative to the important political alliance with the king of Scotland , should have preferred Harold 's daughter is a mystery .
5 Those days ( 1956 ) were times of hope for frank discussion and for an end to the long Cold War .
6 Renewing calls for a ban on all nuclear weapons tests and for an end to the production of weapons-grade plutonium , Yeltsin proposed the creation of an international agency monitoring nuclear weapons " through the whole cycle " , from the extraction of uranium to weapons manufacture .
7 This initial contact can then be followed up through subsequent casual encounters in the street or at the local shops , and through an invitation to a coffee-chat or meal to meet other neighbours .
8 He had the personality for it , strong , aggressive and with an eye to a bargain .
9 All of these specialists must be chosen with care and with an eye to the particular skills required .
10 They have viewed the option of neutralisation cautiously , selectively and with an eye to the political and strategic implications of each particular scheme .
11 ANDES argues that only through reforms in the social and economic structure of the country , and with an end to the concentration of power in the hands of the oligarchy , can the inadequacies and inequalities of the Salvadorean education system be overcome .
12 Pennethorne was called to explain his proposals , and in an appendix to the proceedings , Molesworth said that after considering Inman and Phipps 's report , he ‘ proposed to commence immediately with the Foreign Office ’ .
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