Example sentences of "and [prep] the next [num] years " in BNC.

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1 It was normal for a boy to start at 45 at age 14 , and for the next four years his pay went up a shilling a year .
2 As the breadwinner in the family , he left school at fourteen , and for the next four years he was apprenticed as a sculptor and tomb-cutter to the firm of stonemasons , J. & G. Mossman .
3 In the 1972 election the Ngwane National Liberation Congress ( NNLC ) won three seats , and this modest revival in nationalist fortunes so disturbed Sobhuza that he promptly abrogated the constitution and for the next six years ruled by decree through the national council , a traditional body of tribal advisers .
4 A week later the Duchess returned to France , and for the next fourteen years she lived alone in Paris .
5 A businessman called Greville Wynne was asked to act as a freelance MI6 contact and for the next two years Penkovsky provided an incredible wealth of intimate detail about the Russians ' innermost plans including the period of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis .
6 They were not even given their wings and for the next two years , on the ‘ last in last out ’ principle , they had to endure the insufferable tedium of waiting for demobilisation .
7 As a result the German frontier was broken , and for the next two years the provinces of Germany and Gaul were plundered by the invaders .
8 In 1905 Hammerton was invited to join Harmsworth 's Amalgamated Press , then the largest periodical-publishing empire in the world , and for the next seventeen years his employer 's energetic and ‘ radium-like personality ’ , as described by Hammerton , provided him with the background to his life 's work .
9 At the end of that time they again expressed doubts as to their liability to pay and for the next three years paid under protest .
10 A result , I ca n't hear myself speaking if I are the policy and resources committee there were other they were erm er in the debate there were some very good cases brought in to it and some erm good recommendations and this is why I 'm surprised I 'm er forget now why , there were some who were er against by majority because I believe that when we look down on the decisions of the P N O , we have made some very good recommendations if I say so it says on twenty , paragraph twenty in and you people on this authority , members of this authority have been saying a a clear definition of the role of the local government now and for the next twenty years , should underpin any consideration of local authority management structures and the role of members and therefore the joint working party 's consideration begin from an inadequate base .
11 Shortly after that , Ramsey took over as England 's manager , and for the next 12 years the fortunes of the two men were inextricably intertwined .
12 She opened a rejuvenation clinic and for the next 30 years many thousands of people flocked to receive what became the most famous , or perhaps , notorious , ‘ rejuvenatory ’ treatment of the century .
13 In the following summer the English reoccupied the border counties and Dumfriesshire , and for the next ten years the principal concern of the Scots became the recovery of their king and their lost territory .
14 At the beginning of the 19th century the condition of the agricultural workers was desperately poor and for the next forty years wages did not improve .
15 In 1638 , eminent men throughout Scotland signed the National Covenant in support of Presbyterianism , and for the next 50 years Scotland struggled to retain the Kirk 's independence .
16 The most famous of the French psalm-composers , Claude Goudimel ( C. 1514–1572 ) , who also wrote chansons ( notably settings of Ronsard ) , Horatian odes , Masses , and Latin motets , published in 1551 eight compositions of Marot 's psalms ‘ mis en musique au long ( en forme des mottetz ) ’ based on the Bourgeois melodies , for three , four , or five voices , and during the next fifteen years produced seven more books of ‘ motet ’ psalms .
17 Probably disillusioned with the Arts and Crafts Movement , he turned to archaeology and during the next thirty years worked on sites in the area .
18 And during the next thirty years composers associated with the Académie set his poems , including a translation of the Psalms , to music in which , as Philip Sidney put it , ‘ every semibreif or mynom had its syllables matched accordingly with a long foote and a short foote ’ , not monodic but in harmony with each syllable sung simultaneously in all parts .
19 He negotiated Malaya 's independence from the United Kingdom two years later and was the country 's first Prime Minister , overseeing the creation of the Federation of Malaysia in 1963 , and during the next two years withstanding the threat of " Confrontation " with Indonesia and taking the difficult decision that Singapore secede from the Federation .
20 He returned to Johannesburg at the close of the Boer war in 1902 and during the next four years proved that ore deposits similar to those of the central Rand goldfield were also present in the east Rand .
21 In the early months of 1830 he broadened his vision with the establishment of the National Association of United Trades for the Protection of Labour ( NAPL ) and during the next four years he was at the centre of the many radical and union initiatives that were such a notable feature of the period .
22 Around 200 pumps are now in place and during the next three years villagers will learn to maintain them .
23 MAX B HARLOW graduated from Stanford University in 1927 and during the next ten years or so worked for various aircraft manufacturers , including Thaden , Bach , Waldo Waterman , Allan Lockheed , Bert Kinner , Northrop and Douglas , where he was involved in stress analysis for the DC-2 .
24 Joyce went on the stage in 1939 — by accident rather than design — and during the next forty years she became both an international entertainer and a national treasure .
25 Sir Michael Edwardes was appointed to the task of rescuing the company in 1977 and in the next five years attempted to reduce excessive centralisation in the company and to improve efficiency , which involved many plant closures and redundancies .
26 This transmission , which can handle up to 221lb ft torque , is definitely the shape of things to come at Mercedes , and in the next two years it is likely that all six-cylinder Mercedes cars will be equipped with it .
27 By January 1315 he was a knight of the royal household and in the next two years he received various grants of lands , wardships , and money .
28 Arthur Andersen is downsizing and over the next two years will be replacing its Wang minicomputers with a PC-based system running Notes .
29 Arthur Andersen is downsizing , and over the next two years will be replacing its Wang Minicomputers with a PC-based system running Notes .
30 The equipment they had at Rhodes hardly justified the risks in getting ashore to use it , but the Commander had improved the original ideas and over the next two years a comprehensive yet simple range of tools would be devised for this survey work .
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