Example sentences of "and [prep] [det] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The public expenditure White Papers gave finance officers a broad indication of the government 's medium-term intentions for local authority spending overall and for each service up to three years ahead .
2 On analogy with subject access in social services and housing one might expect the governors to seek the consent of the person compiling the report and for such consent normally to be forthcoming since otherwise the record may clearly be incomplete .
3 From the tip of the headland and for some way out to sea the waves were breaking white against half-submerged fangs and stacks of rock that had in time past broken away from the main cliffs .
4 Then we moved to Sawori and after that Damole up in the north west
5 The permitted limits of £1,000 a year in total for gifts , and the exemptions of as many small gifts of £100 a year as the donor may choose and of all gifts out of surplus income are not unreasonable for ordinary individuals ; and the raising of the exempt gift on marriage to £5,000 per parent will probably exceed the capacity of most parents , particularly that of the bride 's parents saddled with the cost of the reception as well .
6 At a later date I went to evening classes and with this suit still on my mind asked the instructor 's advice .
7 and in many cases not at all , defensive .
8 These armies of peasant conscripts , mercenaries and ne'er-do-wells were officered predominantly and in many cases overwhelmingly by nobles .
9 Story-telling becomes a means of preserving the narrator 's protean fluidity and in that respect both of the novel 's titles are appropriate .
10 Whatever the social and political structure of Greece in the Bronze Age and its aftermath , in the Geometric and Orientalising periods we see the pattern emerging which persists in archaic and classical times and in some degree even after Alexander : small , independent city-states , often at war with each other but united by language , legend and religion .
11 Teachers ' centres also make themselves responsible in some areas for the servicing of school equipment , the provision of an exhibition collection of equipment and materials , and in some cases even for equipment loans .
12 I run one of the self-help groups that one of the ladies mentioned and we looked at an outsize catalogue recently and it went up to size twenty six and in some cases up to a size thirty and the ladies who modelled the clothes were no bigger than a twelve , possibly a fourteen , but a very shapely fourteen !
13 Let me tell you of some of the important stories that I believe we have covered inadequately — and in some cases not at all .
14 At one show Kaye replaced 12 strings during one half-hour set and in some songs up to three strings would succumb to the leathering .
15 He was small and hard and wild and in some ways more like an animal than a boy .
16 and my Lord you 'll of noticed that in paragraph erm er thirty er they talk about the importance of taking the community interest into account and have proper guarantees and in this instance overleaf on page five , forty four , er they talk about the financial risk to the community , this of course was in the agricultural
17 One of the most important reasons for this is that the Latin American elites reacted quickly and in most cases effectively to the social and economic changes brought about by the industrialisation , urbanisation and immigration of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
18 After four years of training , in a homely laboratory atmosphere where scientists working in shifts conversed ( or ‘ signed ’ ) to Washoe and to each other exclusively in Ameslan , she had mastered the use and recognition of 132 signs together with the ability often to pair two of them ( but rarely more than two ) in significant combinations and under appropriate circumstances .
19 The main increase in nationally mixed marriages was in fact among the western or Slavic nationalities of the USSR , and to some extent also between Slavs and Balts ; intermarriage between the other major nationalities of the USSR , and in particular between Slavs and Muslims , was much less common and provided much less convincing evidence of the formation of a single ‘ Soviet nation ’ .
20 However , similar effects are also observable across morpheme boundaries and to some extent also within the morpheme .
21 At least until 1917 , and to some extent even until 1945 , Europe was the decisive arena of world power , as it had been for centuries .
22 Nevertheless it seems likely that change was forced on him , as earlier on such ‘ empirical ’ despots as Peter I in Russia and Frederick William I in Prussia , by the need for greater practical efficiency , and to some extent perhaps by an instinctive feeling for rationality , not by theories propounded in Paris .
23 People who work in special education have taken views at either extreme , and at many points in between .
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