Example sentences of "and [prep] [verb] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In conclusion , I make this plea to countries such as Germany — a country for which I have the highest regard : they should be cautious about promising recognition for Croatia and Slovenia by any precise date , and about breaking ranks within the European Community .
2 She did n't seem annoyed with Shelley at all , but she too spoke only about work and about coming attractions at the complex , almost as though she was embarrassed to bring the subject up .
3 women are not sexy skinny women are not sexy , really skinny women we have to be like the Madonna type woman and I think that the , the , its about money and its about co , its about the consumer and about money and about making money from an image that somebody somewhere has seen as the normal perfect woman and the norm can be any thing it could be whatever you want it to be .
4 The British Medical Association led an attack on the eugenists for confusing undesirable behaviour with mental deficiency and for advocating sterilisation of the feeble-minded .
5 Since he was also responsible for teaching a weekly class of seven young women at Lady Margaret Hall ( a women 's college in North Oxford ) and for teaching philosophy to the undergraduates of Magdalen , his first few years at the College were strenuous .
6 the take off or landing of aircraft and for moving aircraft on the surface or
7 the take off or landing of aircraft and for moving aircraft on the surface or
8 the take off or landing of aircraft and for moving aircraft on the surface or
9 the take off or landing of aircraft and for moving aircraft on the surface or
10 There are options for producing headlines , for using different typefaces and for positioning text on the screen .
11 Janet was a pupil of the well-respected Professor Charcot ( 1825–1893 ) , who was responsible for founding the Salpêtrière School of Hypnotism in France and for bringing credibility to the subject .
12 It recognises that the prime responsibility for ensuring compliance with and for reporting breaches of the conduct of business rules lies with management of the investment business , and that regulators carry out their own inspection visits .
13 The use of water cannon was criticised as having been unnecessary and for affecting members of the public who had not been involved in the march .
14 They were , in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , responsible for the general management of this category of Crown properties — for the felling of timber in the forests for the Royal Navy , for repairs to Crown property , for royal gifts to subjects , or for sale ; for dealing with claims to customary rights in the Forest , for paying the keepers ' wages and for providing hay for the deer in times of scarcity .
15 According to Environment Secretary Michael Heseltine , the committee will be responsible for advising the government on issues such as environmental regulation , and for providing guidance to the business community .
16 Di wrote to her after the ceremony thanking her for all the work she had done for fellow cancer sufferers and for raising £40,000 towards the centre .
17 These might be useful for guidance and counselling , for career conventions and for informing employers of the qualifications which prospective employees might have .
18 Such incentives might be made up of a share of the surplus which the bureaucrats could appropriate ; ‘ deferred prizes ’ for keeping a bureau 's output within what was promised in a budget-output proposal and for returning money to the general fund during an official 's tenure of office ; and allocations towards supplementary activities such as travel budgets .
19 Briefly , the code of practice specifies standards for providing wholesome water , for supplying a constant water supply at the appropriate water pressure , and for treating sewage in a comprehensive and environmentally sensitive way .
20 Team briefing is our main vehicle for communicating information about the company and for obtaining feed-back through the organisation .
21 For curved cuts you 'll need a coping saw , and for making cut-outs within a workpiece a padsaw will be invaluable .
22 The setting of goals and targets for health has advanced considerably in Australia , through focusing attention on specific social groups in the population with very poor health and through formulating targets for the wider social and environmental determinants of health .
23 The Deutsche Bundespost Telekom last year failed to make enough operating profit to offset losses by its sister units , according to yesterday 's edition of Focus magazine : the weekly reckons that Telekom 's 1992 profit totalled about $4,065m and after transferring $3,125m to the government , it was left with only $935m to offset losses of $1,685m at the Deutsche Bundespost Postdienst postal service and $185m at the Deutsche Bundespost Postbank savings bank .
24 But that was what he was being paid for and after hearing Mobuto at the United Nations he was now more determined than ever to ensure his safety .
25 On Friday , however , back at his natural weight , he looked sharp and crisp , and after forcing Rowe into a standing count was landing punches at will before the referee mercifully stopped the bout .
26 As before there were considerations of restricting overall investment to physical availability of materials , and of maintaining leverage over the nationalised industries as part of Keynesian demand management in the economy ( allowing greater expenditure when a slump threatened and reining it in when the economy appeared to be overheating ) .
27 Nijazi Beqa and his co-defendants were accused of having joined an illegal organization , of having distributed ‘ hostile propaganda materials ’ and of organizing petitions of a ‘ hostile ’ nature to officials in and outside Yugoslavia .
28 In the latter case , as has been stated , each member will have the opportunity of making observations on the recommendations and of moving amendments at the council meeting .
29 According to commentators Gorbachev had been opposed to the formation of the party , for fear of allowing conservatives to create a power base and of exacerbating splits in the CPSU .
30 Perhaps nothing better illustrates the difficulties of trying to establish the truth of such a tradition and of achieving accuracy in the dating of events in the lives of scholars of the early Ottoman period than the problem presented by the death date of Cemaleddin Aksarayi .
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