Example sentences of "of [Wh adv] [pron] be [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 The underlying justification for this book is that participation in policy making for a group of public services of considerable importance to us all must rest upon understanding : understanding of what the policies are , of how they are made and implemented , and of the implications of the many prevailing suggestions on how to change those policies .
2 These pose a threat to our lives by virtue of how they are produced and what they are made of .
3 The production of axes from these sites was on a prodigious scale , although we know nothing of how they were traded and distributed all over England and Wales .
4 She broke down in tears and confessed to making up the story of how she was abducted and held by two men for 36 hours .
5 Well , the best thing about the course is , I think , that you get an all-round view of how it 's arranged and the time aspect of the information flow — that it takes a long time for information to reach the books and compendia etc .
6 Yeah , have you , have you reviewed your revision to see sort of how you 're doing and how effective it is , and why it 's getting you down and .
7 I think that we have to start a movement first of all with a recognition of where we are united and a recognition of where we are different .
8 Keegan said : ‘ We now have a clearer picture of where we are going and we want to get the squad down to a manageable size .
9 So there 's an example of where it 's happening and I hope it will happen over the whole field .
10 As the ball fell between the two Scots , Karlheinz Riedle arrived with clear knowledge of where it was going and quickly dispatched it .
11 Ace moved after him , ready to demand an explanation of where he was going and how he knew there was a cemetery , but before she reached the doors , they closed of their own accord , and the time rotor began its stately rise and fall .
12 You may have a rough idea of where you are going and if it fits in with the cosmic blueprint , doors open easily .
13 The important thing is to be open about yourself — both in terms of where you are oppressed and where you oppress others .
14 They hope the £10,000 reward may now prompt an answer to the riddle of why he was killed and who by .
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