Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [pron] [be] try [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Colleagues , could I just advise congress at this stage what we 're , we 've got ta do erm , and I think this will form the basis of what we 're trying to do to expedite business during the course of the week .
2 Can you do me a little exercise first just to er write down write down what erm of what we 're trying to reveal .
3 Because the result of what we 're trying to achieve , particularly if one goes for the new settle settlement option , is to squeeze , as we said this morning , a gallon into a pint pot , and it it would be interesting to hear from the County why the Greater York boundary is what it is .
4 As an illustration of what we are trying to unearth , let's go back to Muriel 's situation again , and think of her in relation to this exercise .
5 I do think , however , that it would be better if feminists operated with a more hard-headed , political notion of what we are trying to do .
6 The authority of the United Nations is mentioned in the Queen 's Speech and the Foreign Secretary spoke of what we are trying to do and of the involvement of the United Nations in Yugoslavia .
7 It is important to ensure , therefore , that when we evaluate support teaching , the full complexity of what we are trying to achieve is properly appreciated , and is reflected both in the criteria we adopt and the methods we use to apply them .
8 AEA 's Commercial and Planning Director , James Bretherton , commented that the ‘ MMC Report has been useful external validation of what we are trying to achieve .
9 GOOD GUIDE — the MMC report has been a ‘ useful external foundation of what we are trying to achieve , ’ says James Bretherton .
10 We will continue with this training throughout the whole of the Company until every employee has a basic understanding of what we are trying to achieve and their individual roles .
11 But those two in particular we felt that er we would do that as part of our er a an essential part of what we were trying to design .
12 And while there are scientific minds like those of Stephen Hawking many steps ahead of us we will always want to listen to their stories of exploration — even if we can only get glimpses of what they are trying to describe .
13 Form mental pictures of what they are trying to say .
14 The proliferation of industry alliances and more recent consolidations is said to have induced a state of panic at the two firms about the logic of what they are trying to achieve with the common interface — bandied about in some quarters as Systems Application Architecture II — and whether there are sound business reasons behind it .
15 Writers of textbooks have a clear view of what they are trying to achieve , and , encouraged by their own success when developing the material , too easily believe that other teachers will use it in the same way when guided only by a well-written instruction , or even just the ‘ clear ’ implication of style in the material itself .
16 For evaluation to be carried out constructively , it is vital that evaluators , teachers and pupils have some shared understanding of what they are trying to achieve .
17 Only a richer conception of what they are trying to provide will enable us to make a sensitive assessment of their achievements and potential .
18 To communicate the Word effectively , the mime group must be steeped in the WORD and be aware of what they are trying to communicate non-verbally .
19 But try and look at the fundamental basis of what they 're trying to put over to you on the video , okay ?
20 I do n't think there 's enough evidence to bear that out as yet , but it 's clear that some companies are now ahead of their consumers in terms of what they 're trying to do and the products they 're developing .
21 More damaging to the continuity of sessions were the frequent occasions when teachers interrupted themselves , either because they did not have a very clear idea of what they were trying to say , or because their organizational structure was so complicated that they were trying to do too many things at once .
22 They did not think they were alone in feeling isolated in the business world , but when they sent out invitations to the inaugural meeting on 14 July , with an explanation of what they were trying to achieve , they were staggered by the response .
23 For other members of the department , some of whom were less aware than Joanne of what they were trying to achieve via the new approach , this was even more the case .
24 Studying these should ensure that you are not completely ignorant of the scope , length , format and demands of what you are trying to do .
25 ‘ Perhaps we might begin with a statement of what you are trying to achieve , ’ she said .
26 This always increases muscular tension which is the very opposite of what you are trying to achieve .
27 Sometimes it 's because it 's so many people that are using this method that the importance of what you 're trying to say tends to be dismissed and therefore .
28 In general I shall recognize what is , not what ought to be ; but certainly I ought to be aware of what I am trying to do , why I want it , how to do it , whether it can be done .
29 ‘ Christ , is n't it bad enough that I have to scrape for every bloody penny to do a piece of vital research , without being forced to turn my project into a circus for a lot of gawping idiots who wo n't have the least comprehension of what I 'm trying to do ?
30 They do n't have the slightest understanding of what I 'm trying to do . ’
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