Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [noun pl] [conj] [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now what I want to do in this lecture is to finish off the er introductory part of my , of my remarks and take us up to the point where beginning at twelve o'clock the real part , the real er core of this course begins when we start to look at social theory .
2 While I waited , I took the films out of my cameras and put them in the home-made packets .
3 My mind 's got so flexible I could pull it out of my ears and tie it under my chin ! ’ snapped Gurder .
4 Have a tin of , have a pack of my chocolates and give them to Gail , and give them to that to Beverley .
5 If I have ever had any doubts about my work with Dire straits , I pull out one of their albums and play it .
6 They were prepared to sit by the bedsides of sick neighbours to relieve the burden of their families and allow them to save their energy to cope with the farmwork .
7 I intend to keep the fry in a number of these nets for the first few weeks of their lives and feed them on newly hatched brine shrimp .
8 If you think about how people perceive things — with any of their senses and process them in their minds , you immediately realize that the human mind works to a very large extent by association , and by a more or less impenetrable system of mental shortcuts — just try playing word association games .
9 I think they have a cheek to complain about people writing other people 's press releases when they ca n't even write their own speeches , they just take a bit of their leaders and claim it as their own .
10 And when they picked us out they used to put the rubber on the ground pick the dirt out of their feet and put it into their manger , not throw it away , put it into their manger because horses love to lick mud .
11 Zoos have a good stock of the lar gibbon Hylobates lar but are low on all the others , and so the CBSG is advising zoos to get rid of their lars and replace them with species such as hoolock H. hoolock and concolor H. concolor .
12 It is also the centre of a men-only pilgrimage in February , when local farmers bring in handfuls of hair cut from the tails of their animals and burn them before the sanctuary as an offering to St Blaise , as the patron saint of stock-breeders .
13 Teachers constructing lists for students no doubt remember these books from their youth and are therefore more conscious of their failings and believe them to have been superseded by their own books and those of their colleagues .
14 In the field of architecture , for example , two architects could enter a model of one of their buildings and examine it together , changing a wall here or a window there by means of a virtual touch or gesture .
15 Individual peasants and lords could and did remove strips or groups of strips from the rotation sequence of their neighbours and fence them around .
16 According to Richard Baxter , for example , it led to the arrogance of ‘ idle boys who tear out all the hard leaves of their books and say they have learned all when they have learned the rest ’ .
17 When disaster strikes , you call Europ Assistance , who will contact one of its contractors and send him to your home , usually within two hours .
18 Occasionally it would extend one of its sensors and use it to draw shapes in the dirt .
19 She had thought that , difficult as her father was , he would see the reasonableness of her ambitions and send her to London with some sort of blessing .
20 He helped her out of her things and put them on hangers so they would be less creased by morning .
21 I get hold of her shoulders and give her a good shake .
22 He reached out to take one of her hands and hold it between both his own .
23 Marie would be mad if she saw that , so I rip a page from one of her mags and scrape it up .
24 However , they came across two of his friends and beat them so badly that they later died .
25 We shall examine the results of his experiments and compare them with the results that we would expect if the records were perfectly randomized .
26 But a combination of factors , including a high proportion of broken or at least deteriorating homes and single-parent families , an absence of parent-child contact due to migration and possibly compounded by the necessity of devoting excessive time to earning a living and , as I will argue shortly , a distorted appreciation of the parent 's function vis-à-vis education crystallize to release the black youth from the influence of his parents and jettison him into a world in which his peers , with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society , are the dominant forces .
27 Whilst his companion 's back was turned , Tuppe swiped one of his sausages and thrust it into his mouth .
28 For those who love Churchill partly because of his warts and feel they have been waiting too long to hear the case for the prosecution put eloquently and with impeccable soundness , ‘ it is a delight ’ . ’
29 As a Muslim woman from Jhelum explained to me , in Islam a man can marry four times but according to Islam it is his duty to look after each of his wives and treat them honourably .
30 Good passenger-carrying capacity is vital as far as Peaks is concerned because the Shogun is used to pick up some of his employees and take them to work .
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