Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 How I would wake weeping , and in the anguish of my heart exclaim upon sweet Calne in Wiltshire !
2 Most men of my acquaintance revel in happy ignorance when it comes to knowing plans and dates for the weeks ahead .
3 Although I 'm basically a freelance , most of my work comes through various agencies . ’
4 Having spent most of my life working on industrial sewing machines , hand knitting and doing crochet , I figured a knitting machine would be no problem .
5 I know my limitations and most of my security comes from hard -learned technical expertise .
6 During my visit to Proctor and Gamble I expected to spend most of my time listening to smart women complain about having their key strokes counted .
7 I sat in the back with Rayleen ( could n't you have guessed ? ) and she made me put my right hand in her lap while she ran her fingertips over most of the rest of my body looking for other injuries .
8 The birds spend much of their day foraging in dense , varied vegetation and return to roost together at dusk .
9 As up to 4() per cent of their income comes from corporate profits they have a vested interest in working for the common benefit .
10 Seventy five percent of their electricity comes from nuclear power in France .
11 Finally , fears that fundholders would encourage referrals to private clinics to avoid a charge on their budgets seem to be unfounded , certainly as far as these aggregate data are concerned , and there was only limited evidence that fundholders were making use of their freedom to contract with private hospitals for outpatient services for NHS patients .
12 Potentially cancerous cells are identified by the vulnerability of their DNA to attack by dilute acid .
13 The large looms needed to make carpet-size items are difficult to transport , and so the vast majority of their output consists of small and medium-size rugs and a range of bags and other tribal artifacts .
14 Two barristers , Alistair Kelman and Owen Keane , say in the latest Information Security Guide that the battle against viruses is being lost because of their ability to reappear in new strains which are immune to known antidotes .
15 UNICEF said that its target could be met if both developing countries and donor governments increased to 20 per cent the proportion of their spending devoted to basic needs and health care .
16 or where the advanced society shows signs of vulnerability in its central value-system , pluralist methods may fail to fully explain persistent conflict because of their limited assumptions of causality and , in particular , because of their unwillingness to look at other manifestations of power in society .
17 I have had four staff working on fees collection throughout the year and two more spend part of their time dealing with related tribunals .
18 The miners themselves probably found some sort of lodgings in the area but also spent most of their time living in small draughty shelters or " hutts " built near to their work places only severe weather shifting them down to the valley bottoms .
19 In the modern construction industry , however , quality control has become a more integral part of the building process , and our clerks of works were spending more of their time acting as assistant project managers .
20 The natives roam their rather less than spectacular slopes in huge gangs , effectively blocking off one tract of mountain from the next so that foreigners spend much of their time waiting for detached companions .
21 Their specialized working is recognized as creating staff development problems and it is agreed that they may devote up to fifteen per cent of their time to work with other client groups ; in addition they take part in a duty rota , and thus handle the full range of initial enquiries .
22 Now , as the rather skimpy Consciousness and Behaviour outlines , psychologists are having to face the fact that most people do n't spend most of their time behaving like witless rats .
23 They will be aware that the reason for their educational success in the first place was the high proportion of their intake coming from social classes 1 and 2 .
24 Some of the devices observed by conversation analysts — pausing , overlapping , drawing in breath — are of their nature limited to spoken discourse ; yet what they effect , the alternation of one point of view with another , and thus the mutual construction of a discourse , is far more widely applicable .
25 This was an important demonstration of its ability to cope with high volumes .
26 MDC 's performance must in future be assessed in terms of its ability to work with local authorities and community groups and its achievements in bringing jobs and prosperity not only to its area but also to its indigenous population .
27 A water company is being ordered to spend more than thirty million pounds on improving one of its sewage works after dead salmon and other fish were discovered in a nearby river .
28 This exhibition , the first of its kind devoted to Irish art , will chart the development of modern painting in Ireland from 1880 until 1950 .
29 SHAPE is a prime example of this , with much of its funding coming from Scandinavian national aid agencies as well as the British Council .
30 The water boatman , on the other hand , has receptors in the lower part of its eye tuned to polarised light .
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