Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [noun] to [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is plain that all the indications were that Monsieur Gebrec had taken his own life … it was only on account of my promise to his mother … ’
2 Its breathing was too light to move the flanks , so I 'd go over sometimes and put the back of my hand to its nostril until I could feel the heat as it exhaled .
3 I would have been standing erm about two or three foot away from him anyway sir , so that , including the distance height wise , I could have been er from the end of my weapon to his head or any part of his body there would have been a maximum of between four to five feet at least .
4 Glynn ( 1985 , p. 143 ) states that ‘ public sector accountability means that those who are charged with drafting and/or carrying out policy should be obliged to give a explanation of their actions to their electorate ’ ; the electorate being a composite group that includes clients , employees and taxpayers .
5 Clark demonstrates that older people tried , where possible , to set up contractually based arrangements ( some of them enforceable through the courts ) to secure their livelihood and care in old age , through a system whereby they surrendered some of their rights to their land to a specified individual , in return for agreed services — ‘ individually arranged pension benefits ’ ( ibid .
6 Most Jordan valley farmers are sharecroppers , normally giving 50 per cent of their produce to their landlord .
7 They should send a copy of their letter to His Excellency U Hla Maung , Embassy of Myanmar , 19a Charles Street , Berkeley Square , London W1X 8ER .
8 For this purpose suitable young men , it was sometimes proposed , might be attached for a period at the beginning of their careers to their country 's foreign ministry .
9 It is outwardly then a buoyant picture : a long-established family firm mindful of its responsibility to its home town .
10 Spencer Stuart 's business in London and Manchester owes much of its success to its Britishness , to the fact that its consultants are at home in even the most conservative Boardrooms ; the firm works in direct contrast to the style apparently adopted by Korn/Ferry , for instance .
11 Mozart wrote of its success to his mother :
12 Trip wire was found on several of its approaches to its set .
13 The shape of a beak is described by the ratio of its length to its depth , and its curvature ; similarly , the position of eyes may be characterised as the angle which they subtend at the centre of the bird 's head .
14 Miss Fogerty was torn between telling the truth and the remembrance of her promise to her headmistress .
15 Louisa 's solitude , the wary alertness of her face , the way — symbolically at least — she brought the bright sword of her intellect to her defence — these and many other factors required this particular card and no other as her ambassador in the court of Le Grand Jeu .
16 His lips traced the curve of her cheekbone to her ear , then followed the line of her jaw .
17 A passionate tale of love , hate , revenge and death , ‘ Blood Wedding ’ tells the story of a young bride who elopes with her lover on the morning of her marriage to her childhood sweetheart , and of the tragic consequences of their action .
18 All she has to do to get to work is walk out of her kitchen to her office just across the hall .
19 A mother has been ordered by the High Court to return two of her children to their father in America .
20 The make-up did a terrific job , but could n't get rid of the two deep creases that ran from the corners of her mouth to her jawline , or the network of lines on her brow .
21 But the dark grey eyes were smouldering as they dropped briefly from the stormy curve of her mouth to her body , scantily clad in garments that were casual in the extreme , her favourite faded denim shorts cut from an old pair of jeans , and the little white cotton bustier into which she had changed on her return from work , planning to spend the humid twilight time out on her balcony before preparing to attend a local record company 's promotion party .
22 He thought of his Jermyn Street shirts blowing in the orchard , with pleasure ) and then , for a second or two , she stood quite still , looking down , the back of her hand to her forehead under her dark fringe .
23 Rosa had been crying then , with the pieces of the plate her mother had tried to smash over her head in front of her at the table , and her mother had put the back of her hand to her daughter 's cheek , as if to test her for fever .
24 I remember the shock of fear when I heard her scream and the sickening jolt of pain through my stomach when I saw the angle of her hand to her arm .
25 She felt powerless as he brought up his other hand and let his fingers feather lightly down the side of her neck to her collar-bone .
26 After all the signals of rejection she 'd sent out at the apartment — despite Marlin , despite the dangerous streets , despite the hour , despite their bitter history — she 'd come , bearing the gift of her body to his bed .
27 The man was ignorant of the Empress 's scheme , but when Isabel glanced back at his face she saw only too clearly his opinion of her visit to their guest 's room .
28 Today , the remembrance of her visit to his home in Wimbledon and its harrowing aftermath came back with startling clarity .
29 However , he also thought she might have been trying to demonstrate the extent of her distress to her family and possibly to her husband .
30 Then she discovered that it was Travis she had to thank that the news of her engagement to his cousin was all over Vasey 's , as , still smiling , he stated , ‘ Hope you do n't mind , Naylor , but I came in earlier to have a quick word with Leith , and could n't resist telling her assistant that a possible reason for Leith being late this morning could be her getting engaged to you at the weekend . ’
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