Example sentences of "of [det] [adj] [noun] when the " in BNC.

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1 It will remind the elderly of that famous year when the great Ronald Politzer caused Collins to command entire book pages by producing some quite attractive books in the first week in January when no one else published any books at all .
2 It was one of those rare moments when the clamour of war receded , the smoke cleared and a wise man could take stock of the situation quickly , accurately , and with some hope of certainty .
3 She remembered the bride of one year , alight with the happiness of those early celebrations when the Grand Duke had granted the first liberties , and thought how strange it was for an English woman to be so mad with joy .
4 A grey day in a cold April , one of those winter's-end days when the land looks exhausted and worn and it seems like all the colour is gone from the world .
5 He caught the atmosphere of those grey days when the clouds hang low on the hills and the colours are sombre .
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