Example sentences of "of [det] [noun] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Rather , the courts have held that it is enough if the constable has a power to act as he does , and that he is not acting illegally in the exercise of that power at the time of the act complained of .
2 I ca n't remember the exact circumstances but it was about West Bank leaving the district , a matter of some sensitivity at the time .
3 The creation of this order at the time a new Official Secrets Bill was being pushed through Parliament by an increasingly interventionist government is significant , and the idea of a senior officer 's having ‘ first read ’ of any essay to maintain the integrity of the institution manifests the importance of the legalized surveillance of allegedly dangerous material and enhances the separation of the world of control from that academic enquiry ; although its implementation is only randomly applied .
4 Although the irony of this situation at a time of teacher shortages will raise a smile among many teachers and educationalists , the real prospect of losing their jobs will make this the bitterest pill for teachers to swallow .
5 And I can not believe that the two did not exchange at length here , passing the very threshold of such a dominant historic occasion , an event which still burnt into the consciousness of all Scots at the time .
6 In fact its effectiveness was hardly diminished , although its staff was reduced , like those of all Commissariats at the time .
7 Despite the scepticism of many historians at the time , Beresford eventually drew together all his findings in The Lost Villages of England , published in 1954 .
8 In this way , the criminal law is used to ensure that the society is a fair and just one , according to the prevailing view of those terms at the time .
9 This is because the ratchet entitlement is inherent in the shares themselves from when they are first issued and affects the price or value of those shares at the time of issue .
10 This is a full-time appointment , and in most universities a permanent one , though some ( notably Oxford , Cambridge and London ) elect their vice chancellor for a period of several years at a time .
11 If a batch of a product is close to the specification limit in respect of any parameter at the time of manufacture then even a slight change may mean that it no longer complies with its specification , so that its effective shelf-life is very short .
12 ‘ You can check with whoever you like but I was totally exonerated of any blame at the time , and I resent you and your family 's implications that I was responsible for Eddie 's death !
13 I was afraid of any alternative at the time " .
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