Example sentences of "of [v-ing] other [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Working Party did consider the possibility of using other measures of health ( or morbidity ) , but gave them short shrift .
2 In the following chapters I will look at different methods of applying other sources of knowledge to constrain the search .
3 It was mentioned earlier that there were weaknesses in the description of accents in terms of geographical variation alone ; the study of sociolinguistics has shown the importance of considering other sources of variation .
4 Some fishkeepers make the mistake of mixing other types of Malawis ( usually Aulonocaras and Cyrtocara moorii ) with Mbuna .
5 Additionally , to image women 's bodies can be a very direct way of making visible , of literally claiming space , and of contradicting other representations of women 's bodies .
6 Possible research approaches include following up infants experiencing some perinatal trauma who also have a close biological relative with schizophrenia in the hopes of identifying other indicators of risk .
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