Example sentences of "of [v-ing] in [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This project thus aims to fill an important gap by providing the first comprehensive study of policing in Ireland from the 1830s to the 1920s .
2 A common agreement between two or more persons having for its object the death of all of them , whether or not each is to take his own life , but nothing shall be treated as done by him in pursuance of the pact unless it is done while he has the settled intention of dying in pursuance of the pact .
3 A contract remaining open ( ie , not settled ) after the cessation of trading in respect of the delivery month or prompt date , falls to be performed by the clearing member and LCH according to its terms .
4 Case recording is one method of keeping in touch with the interview room , but case records are factual reports of problems and action taken , and can not and should not serve to describe attitudes and the atmosphere in the interview room .
5 Once the school-leaver was placed , the after-care supervision was entirely in the hands of the SCCs , and other associated bodies , who made periodic reports to the local JAC , and as with the earlier form of care committee , a ‘ visitor ’ was named who had the duty of keeping in touch with the young workers until they were 17 or 18 .
6 ‘ What is the point of keeping in touch with the contemporary scene ? ’
7 Then there is the problem of keeping in touch with the sample .
8 Once again we have this problem of keeping in touch with the wing wards , Astley and er East it 's not all that easy to do but er there are people there who are showing an interest and I hope that we can .
9 He passed on the thanks , and the remarks about the possibility of keeping in touch in the event of war .
10 And in saying this sort of thing to its own members , the church also invites the rest of the community to find for itself , people within the community to find for themselves , the positive benefits of living in obedience to the word of God .
11 ‘ The strain of living in Matlock during the week and returning home to Darlington at weekends was , in retrospect , building up almost imperceptibly , ’ he wrote .
12 He claims that he had no intention of acting in defiance of the court order .
13 They had ‘ disavowed any intention , for the present , of acting in opposition to the Labour movement in the country , and certainly their action in many constituencies during the last election gives earnest of their disavowal . ’
14 To this hidden land come Leo Vincey and Holly after twenty years of wandering in search of the goddess woman and here the pair of them are involved with the rebellion of Atene and her husband against the secret ruler Ayesha , now called He s ( or Isis ) .
15 Yet the people in those countries show little sign of believing in Marxism in the way that some Western intellectuals do .
16 A real desire to participate in some form of practical training was expressed by most of the people spoken to but the problems of fitting in courses with the off-farm employment were considerable .
17 The washers must be correctly aligned , filled with fluid and be otherwise correctly maintained , so as to be capable of cleaning in conjunction with the wipers .
18 Last week Sugar sent a letter to every member of Tottenham 's staff confirming his intention of remaining in control of the club .
19 Taken in by the image of yourself they present you with , wrote Harsnet , instead of waiting in patience for the beginning , instead of waiting and then beginning , though beginning , having begun , he wrote , is not everything , is far from everything .
20 Cabs were hard to come by , and after ten minutes of waiting in line beneath the hotel canopy he decided to walk uptown a few blocks and catch a passing cab if he got lucky .
21 In Parliament Jenkins , whose personal initiative it was , had taken the precaution of conferring in advance with the Conservative front bench spokesman on Home Affairs in advance .
22 Their gloom was deepened by exchanges at the foreign ministers ' meeting , when Nicaragua accused Costa Rica and Honduras of conniving in support of the contras .
23 Their gloom was deepened by exchanges at the foreign ministers ' meeting , when Nicaragua accused Costa Rica and Honduras of conniving in support of the contras .
24 As Edwards showed , there are all sorts of ways of getting in front of the bigger man .
25 It is a stance which has been nurtured by several things , family bereavement and an intelligent , contemplative nature amongst them , but was perhaps most impelled by the experience of coaching in Bangladesh in the winter of 1989–90 .
26 The invention of printing in Europe in the sixteenth century soon brought with it a number of books offering dream-interpretations for ordinary people .
27 This is a sad opportunity missed not to discuss the background to the production of the books listed in Mr Jentsch 's catalogue : the tradition of printing in Italy from the earliest printed books through to Bodoni and on to Mardersteig in the present century , and the vital role played by the publisher in the production of any limited edition artist 's book .
28 Half of you felt the journal should remain free with membership , as it is an important way of staying in touch with the Institution 's work ; while other members said they would willingly pay extra , over their subscription to receive it .
29 The problem might even be confined to England itself , for it is not unusual , particularly in the twelfth century , to find two systems of reckoning in use at the same time for different classes of computation .
30 Christian churches throughout Jerusalem , Israel proper and the occupied territories took the unprecedented step of closing in protest for the whole day of April 27 , and the controversy encouraged an improvement in relations between the normally conservative Greek Orthodox community and Palestinian Christians ; the Middle East International of April 27 reported that , soon after the Jews took over the hospice , a Palestinian flag had been raised on a nearby Greek Orthodox Church .
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