Example sentences of "of [noun pl] that you [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 THE STEP METHOD — Count the number of steps that you take in one minute at your normal walking speed .
2 I think both in the lay person , as you say , it will be more immediately obvious what a computer 's doing if you have a visual display , but even in the scientific approaches then I think the ability to present graphical information rapidly and change erm the function that you 're looking at is also very important and , for instance in the teaching that we do here , then one of the things that we 're very keen on is using computes to show graphically sort of functions that you meet in mathematics and physics .
3 you know so there 's , there 's a lot of things that you bear in mind and you take notes on them as you 're doing it
4 I 'd never been involved in before as an Area Housing Officer , and just involved with day to day management , but with it being a clearance area it 's a totally different approach , and the sort of things that you deal with are totally different as well .
5 So these are the sorts of things that you want to be looking for .
6 And everybody that sent cards , I mean it was really great I mean get well cards are sort of things that you see in shops and you never really think about it , but when when you 're lying flat on your back in hospital and you get cards for people , I mean it really does give you a lift .
7 There 's a s a definite explanation of terms that you see in the music written at the top of page forty seven would you look at them please .
8 It is necessary for you to take this kind of positive approach ; think in terms of maximizing the number of nutrients that you derive from food by eating the right kind of balance of different foods during meals .
9 Possibly also worth mentioning er , B P's charity base , which I think , has been a very er good recent initiative , whereby there is office sharing accommodation available , er , and all those sort of services that you talked about , so er , there is already initiative , and I think that seems to be very successful .
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