Example sentences of "of [noun pl] and [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It had originally been built from the proceeds of the sale of indulgences and originally had on it a chapel to St. Anne .
2 It is impossible to say to what extent Cézanne was aware of the fact that he was doing this , and in the process breaking the laws of scientific linear perspective , but it seems likely that it was part of a natural desire to emphasize the two-dimensional aspect of the canvas while continuing to explain the nature of objects and also insisting on their solidity by modelling them as fully as possible .
3 Josie disappeared for a couple of minutes and then reappeared with some pillows and a duvet .
4 This would consist of a group of employees each of whom would be given the responsibility of monitoring the evacuation of a designated part of the building , checking that all rooms , toilets , cloakrooms , etc. in that area were clear of personnel and then reporting to the ‘ Senior Fire Steward ’ at a pre-determined reporting position outside the premises .
5 The quality of illustrations and especially photographs in advertisements can be of the highest today and such work can cost thousands of pounds for just one picture .
6 Using this method and the data of Goodglass and Quadfasel ( 1954 ) she estimates language laterality in left handers to be predominantly or exclusively left-sided in 60 per cent of cases and right sided in approximately 40 per cent .
7 So if you were on night duty , it was n't much use getting off early and going to bed for a couple of hours and then going to court — you might be engaged in court for a long time .
8 Inevitably more aircraft appeared , dropping a hail of bombs and then strafing with machine guns for good measure , but , amazingly , no damage was done .
9 I like to understand the meanings of words and always refer to a dictionary when I come on a new word .
10 Of the non-QTS qualifications , the best known are those developed by the Royal Society of Arts and now administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate .
11 Each one seizing his or her bundle of wraps and nearly tumbling over each other on the narrow stair leading down to the cabin deck .
12 He got his chance when the health and safety executive asked him to help publish this booklet promoting the safe use of trollies and so decrease in a biud .
13 Now , the embalmers had carefully replaced the face but the torso of the corpse was a mass of wounds and grossly disfigured by a black line which stretched from the crotch to the neck .
14 ‘ This is a can of worms and really needs to be looked into carefully , ’ he said .
15 And er he was there for quite a number of years and then went to just for a few years , and came back to Galashiels to work with the same firm and then he started business on his own .
16 I used to come up quite often and stay for a couple of days and just revel in meeting high-spirited people who did n't care about university politics .
17 If all exports and imports were originally declared in terms of dinars and then converted into ‘ statistical ’ dollars , it should be possible to reconstitute the original dinar values by multiplying up by the ‘ statistical ’ value of the dollar in terms of dinars .
18 They abandoned the concept of several lines of dug-outs and instead relied on machine-guns in strongpoints , while husbanding their troops for counter-attack .
19 This may either affect the integrity of the complexes ( DMS also methylates proteins ) or , depending crucially on the composition of the binding buffer , strongly decrease the solubility and/or diffusibility of DMS and thus interfere with the final yield of the modification reaction .
20 ‘ Culture ’ can be defined in a myriad of ways and often appears to be used not as an independent , or explanatory , variable but as a residual one representing a variety of unspecified influences .
21 The reception was hosted by the Royal College of Physicians and jointly organised by the College and by ASH .
22 There was a babble of languages and much pointing of fingers .
23 Movement can be due to a variety of causes and sometimes results from the combined effect of more than one cause .
24 Procedurally , the machinery could no longer be operated since no provision had been made , in 1922 , for functions relating to the organising of elections and previously discharged by the Lord Chancellor and Clerk of the Crown in Ireland , to be transferred to new officials , and those offices had been abolished .
25 Such institutions should be able to offer advice and information on hardware , software , the use of microcomputers and also access to written sources of information in the form of books and periodical articles .
26 As with all Cirrhilabrus species , scottorum is principally a zooplankton feeder in the wild , and may be seen rising up in aggregations , composed mainly of females and juveniles , from the bottom to a metre or more when actively feeding , but in aquarium conditions it will take a variety of foods and readily adapt to a regular feeding programme .
27 Your roadie should organize transport to gigs , getting your equipment in and out of venues and also attend to any on-stage problems which may come up when you are playing .
28 Referrals come from the health authority whose speech therapists undertake assessments of students and often team-teach with adult education tutors .
29 six pairs of opposites and then expanded by Okay now that that 's fine but how do you move on and where do you move on to in order to get that structured thought pattern ?
30 They left the marketplace for a maze of streets and eventually came to a large stone two-storeyed house with a timbered roof , its exquisite carved eaves jutting out over a small courtyard beneath .
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