Example sentences of "of [noun pl] have be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Two fundamental trends are at work : employee numbers are being gradually but drastically reduced — the Army alone is facing a 30 per cent by 1995 ; and all three services are coming to terms with their obligation to ‘ market test ’ support services with the result that a steady trickle of contracts has been going to the private sector since the early 80s .
2 Copies of service records belonging to hundreds of seamen have been forwarded to the Russian embassy via the Navy records office in Portsmouth .
3 The only member of the former Board of Guardians to have been appointed to the committee was William Lansberry , who had been its chairman , and he was immediately put on a sub-committee to appoint a Public Assistance Officer .
4 We like to think that the arrangement of books has been brought to a fine art , so it was good to hear the verdict of Evening News reporter Bob Watt that there was ‘ bookshop tranquillity ’ and that you could ‘ feel the order . ’
5 A number of remedies have been added to the materia medica including the bowel nosodes which were first discovered by Dr Edward Bach and later added to by Dr John Paterson .
6 An offer of thanks has been extended to those who helped to make the event a success .
7 A range of methods have been applied to the recognition of printed characters , or unconnected handwriting , especially for oriental alphabets as well as for English .
8 Generations of gypsies have been travelling to Stow each year .
9 And finally , a lack of interest in and control over their children on the part of parents has been argued to be a vulnerability factor for these children in adult depression ( see chapter 4 ) .
10 The price of places has been limited to £10 .
11 My own study of elephants had been restricted to reading the Just So stories , but I was only tagging along .
12 The actual construction of factories has been delegated to two agencies : the Industrial Estates Corporation , responsible for rural areas that are also assisted areas in terms of regional policy ( such as parts of Scotland , Wales , the North and the South West ) , and COSIRA , responsible for the remainder of the country .
13 This attempt to produce a scientific scheme of ideas has been subjected to severe criticism which need not be repeated here ( see Simon 1957 ; Rose 1975 ) .
14 — Although the flight of insects has been referred to on p. 64 , the coordinated activities of the skeletomuscular system of flying insects need further brief discussion ( Tiegs , 1955 ; Pringle , 1957 , 1965 , 1968 ) .
15 Well of course there 's been the erm joining of the two Leagues back to where they should have been , you know this silly split that was erm arose over the last couple of years has been put to bed now and sorted out .
16 During June 1991 Walesa came into conflict over the new electoral law with the Sejm , which was still dominated by ex-communist deputies ( in the 1989 elections 65 per cent of seats had been guaranteed to PUWP ( communist ) members — see p. 36723 ) .
17 However , Joaquín Villalobos , an FMLN commander , said that thousands of troops had been deployed to FMLN-controlled areas on Nov. 15-16 , while the Modesto Ramírez Central Front of the FMLN reported heavy troop movements into the Guazapa area , just north of San Salvador .
18 A number of reservations have been expressed to this model of the post-colonial state .
19 As a result , a number of changes have been made to the following general SVQs :
20 For example , one group was drawn from a London housing estate where a high proportion of tenants have been taken to court over debt , so that it could easily get a bad name among local traders .
21 COMPENSATION totalling thousands of pounds has been awarded to relatives of three nuclear power workers who died of cancer .
22 A variety of techniques have been applied to the complex structural and stratigraphic regimes which have affected the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Southern Uplands .
23 Despite the very high savings ratios , the demand for funds from capital intensive firms has been so enormous that small firms are regarded as marginal prospects and the vast bulk of loans have been allocated to large firms .
24 Especially since 1983 a significant number of amendments have been made to Conservative legislation .
25 A new system of fines has been introduced to courts in north Oxfordshire today , and it 's been viewed by the government with much interest .
26 THE most Anglo-Saxon of games has been found to be compromising with apartheid .
27 THE most Anglo-Saxon of games has been found to be compromising with apartheid .
28 In all these cases catalogues can be amended simply by a general notice explaining that the groups of materials have been moved to remote storage .
29 Deputy Central Office agent Peter Smith said thousands of leaflets had been given to the Royal Mail in time to be sent out but were not delivered .
30 Uniformity avoided the unfair economic competition which might have resulted if the setting of standards had been left to the states .
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