Example sentences of "of [noun pl] and [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 When complete silence had fallen he then produced a sheet of paper from his pocket , folded it back on itself to remove the crease , smoothed it out a number of times and then read a statement to the effect that inquiries were proceeding , steps being taken , fruitful avenues opening up and concrete results expected within a short space of time .
2 The tendency of the later 1960s was to move away from packaged courses towards ‘ options ’ in the hope that many pupils would be able to choose from a wide range of subjects and so assemble a programme best fitted to their own interests and abilities .
3 There is considerable dissension in the literature as to what precisely constitutes desertification ; Kovda ( 1980 ) , for example , uses the term to describe land aridisation which involves all the processes that culminate in a reduction of the effective moisture content of soils and thus cause a decrease in biological productivity .
4 Further research is required if we are to understand better the process of early retirement in a variety of circumstances and thereby build a sounder basis for policy .
5 The present policy of the UK government towards the exchange rate , to which we alluded in Section 9.5.1 , is to prevent depreciation , and one of the reasons for this policy is an anxiety that a depreciating pound would raise costs of imports and thus cause a further deterioration in the inflationary situation .
6 Manager Lennie Lawrence describes the wide range of emotions and also reviews a ‘ momentous ’ season on the tape .
7 Within a period of about 20Myr ( taking the Ediacaran faunas as 560Myr old and the base of the Cambrian as 540Myr old ) , the oceans changed from habitats housing a rich but effectively microscopic biota , to one teeming with macroscopic animals engaged in a wide range of ecologies and presumably showing a degree of behavioural sophistication .
8 The aircraft has been on the airshow circuit for a number of years and now needs a lot of tender loving care to bring it back to pristine condition again .
9 It is our usual practice to ask for a payment in advance of costs and thereafter to submit an interim bill every six months .
10 Griffin eventually scraped through by the narrowest of margins and now faces a semi-final tomorrow .
11 It pecks at the keyboard , asks a lot of questions and often gets a story in reply .
12 Fundal varices originate from the short gastric and epiploic veins in about 12% of patients and occasionally follow an isolated splenic vein thrombosis .
13 USAID granted a loan of US$27,000,000 to help support the balance of payments and also endorsed a government plan announced in late October under which 7,000 public employees would be dismissed over the following year .
14 I have been lucky to have been on plenty of tours and hardly missed a training session or match so , by the law of averages , I ca n't complain about that disappointing end to what had been a very enjoyable season .
15 Phospholipase A2 ( PLA2 ) is the rate limiting enzyme in the formation of prostaglandins and probably plays a key part in the pathology of various inflammatory diseases .
16 He used a variety of lures and even took a few fish on fish baits .
17 ‘ The strange thing is that he has always been the soundest of horses and never taken a lame step in his life .
18 Realising that they could undercut the bids of competitors and still make a fat profit , the Reichmanns turned their company , Olympia & York , towards the property business .
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