Example sentences of "of [noun pl] be [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose , however , that I simulate or even by coincidence pass through whatever sequence of states is taken to be sufficient for the conscious episode of feeling the prick of the needle .
2 ( Research and development split between the two lines — currently 50–50 — will soon tip the balance in favour of AViiON , since three years ' worth of products are expected to be squeezed out of the last round of investment in the proprietary line . )
3 These sorts of policies were bound to be self-defeating , as we indicated in Section 7.2.4 , since the volume of world trade contracted and therefore output and employment stagnated on an international scale .
4 If George wins , erm a lot of artists are gon na be looking at their contracts and erm those that are signed on similar terms will no doubt want to er er renegotiate .
5 On coasts of coral atolls the effects of hurricanes are shown to be significant not only to the reef morphology but also to the organisms and the total environment ( Stoddart , 1962 ) and in drainage basins in general and along river channels in particular the impact of rare floods and the time necessary for recovery has been investigated .
6 The fall of birds is meant to be seen as quite ridiculous and wholly supernatural in its proportions .
7 A pile of queries was waiting to be answered .
8 The presence of this second pair of cords is thought to be the secret behind the extraordinary purring mechanism that permits the animal to produce the soft , rumbling sound for minutes and even hours on end , without any effort and without opening the mouth .
9 A substantial minority of shareholders is known to be opposed to a sale , feeling the company is worth at least £200 million .
10 The value of exports is assumed to be determined by factors outside the domestic circular flow and so is assumed to be exogenous in our model .
11 A number of safeguards were said to be in force , the first being that all applications had to be made in writing .
12 Having worked out how your room will be used , you should consider what sort of finishes are going to be suitable .
13 The battles in Russia , Africa and Normandy became mere words , to be heard punctually from the loudspeaker at three or four o'clock , from the English news-reader if German security was sufficiently relaxed , or from anybody who thought he knew what the next allotment of words was going to be about .
14 The state of the fundic wrap can be accurately assessed with the retroflexed endoscope , and shortly after fundoplication 8–9% of wraps were found to be defective .
15 We followed standard protocols for the preparation of bacterial suspensions for adhesion and hydrophobicity assays because the expression of adhesins is known to be affected by nutrient and growth conditions ; however , as repeat assays with both control strains and patient isolates confirmed , such properties are otherwise quite stable phenotypic markers .
16 It was reburied for the last time in 1973 after the number of visitors was found to be too high for the Cotswold village of Woodchester to cope with .
17 Opposition estimates of casualties were said to be much higher .
18 This set of keys is intended to be random and so has no order to preserve .
19 In that case the supply of dentures was considered to be a sale , and it was clear that the court paid scant regard to the dentist 's skill , providing some indication of the dentist 's standing in the 19th century .
20 The varied needs of carers were beginning to be taken seriously .
21 It aims to help inform the current public debate and a series of statements is expected to be produced in an attempt to take matters forward when the conference ends today .
22 Within this context of the nation as a family , the actions of individuals were expected to be based on selfless service to their immediate group , and thereby to the state .
23 This enquiry found that the airship trials had been unsatisfactory and in their final report they stated that ‘ … no Government department , high official or group of individuals was held to be responsible ’ .
24 Sometimes the original number of volumes is found to be inconvenient and a work is compressed , and so that we can get ‘ four volumes in two ’ , ‘ eight volumes in four ’ , etc .
25 Thus , unionised groups of workers are seen to be leap-frogging one over the other in the struggle to keep real wages rising .
26 The defence of volenti was held to be inappropriate but the plaintiff 's damages were reduced for his contributory negligence in riding with a drunken driver and failing to wear a seat belt .
27 The earliest in the series of brooches is thought to be that from the cemetery at Chessell Down ; the various combinations of the design elements on the other examples in the series make it possible to suggest the sequence in which they were manufactured .
28 For some the internal growth of firms is held to be the dominant force , with merger activity playing a distinctly secondary role [ Prais , 1976 ; Hart and Clarke , 1980 ] , whilst others hold that the opposite is the case [ Hannah and Kay , 1977 ] .
29 The drastic reduction in the number of committees was felt to be impracticable .
30 For all these states of affairs are said to be united within the complex whole .
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