Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [that] would [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I started by assembling a collection of objects that would provide me with the type of image I had in mind .
2 The CNAA 's focus at this point was on building up a picture of institutions that would enable it to relax the rules in some cases : the focus was smoother course approval as a reward for experience .
3 There are a lot of institutions that would love our collections .
4 Minsky 's ‘ supreme organizer ’ view must be a hierarchical one , for that organizer alone has the model of its relation to other modules , and it must therefore always be in control , because no other module has the model of relationships that would allow it sometimes to be in control ( in the way a heterarchical view requires ) .
5 There was a certain ritual quality in this exchange , as though Melanie had stumbled on the secret sequence of words that would lead her safe over the sword-edge bridge into the Castle of Corbenic .
6 Sometimes , before he drank the fourth or fifth glass of Côtes-du-Rhone that would incapacitate him , he thought with guilt of the Flanders fields , with impotence of the forests where wolves ranged , — with the sense of temptation , secret delight , and energy welling up from unknown sources of Gauguin 's cold bluster , of Vincent 's two voices .
7 Here are some examples of articles that would help you , as a practical developer , do the best and most efficient job :
8 Her part in Share My Lettuce had done as much for her own theatrical career as the show had done for Ken , and she was embarking on a series of films that would make her an international reputation .
9 Windows has thousands , whereas OS/2 seems to be bereft of the kind of volume of applications that would signal it acceptance as the standard operating system .
10 The promises to cut taxes had been brushed to one side , but it was unlikely that the government would wish to fight the next election against a background of undertakings that would entail their actually being increased .
11 Robyn entered the tiny shop and bought at random , grabbing anything that was familiar — an odd assortment of things that would sustain her with the least amount of effort , paying her money to the assistant vaguely , absent-mindedly .
12 She moved away when he sat near her , went into town to change her library books instead of going home when he invented a string of excuses that would enable him to walk in her direction .
13 We set about a series of innovations that would give them access to that understanding , by means that were practicable within an already existing framework .
14 Prime Computer Inc said it is continuing to weigh various capitalisation schemes , ‘ including capital market transactions ’ but would not confirm a report in the Wall Street Journal that it is in the midst of talks that would lead it to going public again , Reuter reports from Boston .
15 There was a good ice slope leading up to rime of rocks that would take us to this secondary top .
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