Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 His bronze sculptures have the appearance of objects retrieved after many centuries on the sea bed .
2 At the dinner the topic of conversation came round to a discussion of how historically interesting it would have been if people living in Saxon or medieval England had produced scale models of houses built in those days .
3 The Commission points out that it is often difficult to attribute responsibility , especially when damage is the cumulative result of activities undertaken by many parties .
4 What is considered the ‘ automobile industry ’ thus becomes a wide variety of technologies evolving toward all sorts of applications that flow from the same strand of technological development toward different markets .
5 ‘ Where the two roads cross the procession is stopped by a column of prisoners guarded by some Uhlans , who wear the chapska perched on their ear , and ride with couched lances .
6 As we all know , the 1265 hours represent a reduction of hours worked by most teachers .
7 Classifications of institutions appear in many places .
8 Nor has there been sufficiently critical evaluation of programmes to screen for some diseases , he believes .
9 The recent announcement of a link up between the EC and EFTA to create a European Economic Area [ EEA ] by 1993 is likely to have little immediate impact on the proportion of exports destined for these areas , partly because privileged access to each others markets has already been in existence for a number of years between the two trading blocks .
10 Spearmen are particularly good in this role since they can bring an extra rank of spears to bear on any foes who charge them and this means that casualties suffered by the front ranks are less of a disaster .
11 Since the formation of the IGS the number of staff employed increased rapidly by the formation of units working on many branches of earth science .
12 Recommendations have been made for the legalisation and declassification of items formerly kept secret ; for their cataloguing ; their display on exhibition and the calculation of losses incurred by both parties .
13 The group of proteins encoded by these transcripts includes the three described glial growth factors ( ref. 22 , and A.D.J.G. et al. , manuscript submitted ) and several proteins ( heregulins and Neu differentiation factor ) that have various activities on cultured breast tumour cells .
14 The kinds of databases used by these groups are discussed below .
15 Neglect of opportunities to act on such feelings , Granville Sharp believed , was ‘ as great an offence before God as if we had denied assistance to Christ himself ’ .
16 They also emphasized the " right of Jews to settle in all parts of Greater Israel " , and said that the government would " enhance , expand and develop " Jewish settlement in the West Bank and Gaza Strip .
17 This ‘ mini ’ file will have 8.483 per cent of synonyms , so that the 80 per cent of accesses made to these records will be split in the proportion of 91.517 home accesses to 8.483 synonym accesses .
18 Before long England were benefitting from the first of a string of catches dropped by both sides , and their total of 263 was over a hundred more than it would have been had Boycott , Woolmer and Botham not had a second chance .
19 Transfer filters of mtRNAs extracted from both strains were hybridized with these probes , but also with the srRNA probe ( internal control ) .
20 One intriguing aspect of the effects of sub-lithospheric thermal anomalies on continental topography arises from the consequences of plates moving over such regions of unusually hot asthenosphere .
21 As with import substitution in Latin America and parts of Asia , the heavy costs of imports sustained by these projects seriously reduced their economic benefits for Nigeria .
22 This section ( 1 ) disqualifies persons in certain trades from acting in any way as a member of a board , ( 2 ) disqualifies a person holding a disqualifying interest in a company from taking part in proceedings in which the company is an applicant or an objector , ( 3 ) disqualifies an employee of a licence holder under the Act , and any person engaged in a business dealing with alcoholic liquor , including the directors , officers and employees of companies engaged in such businesses from acting as a member of a licensing board , ( 4 ) disqualifies a member of a board , who is the owner or tenant of premises , from acting in the granting of a certificate in respect of those premises , ( 5 ) makes it an offence to contravene the section , ( 6 ) declares , subject to the proviso ( that the grant of a new licence is not liable to objection on the ground that one or more of the members of the board who granted it were not qualified to act ) , anything done in contravention of the section void , and ( 7 ) exempts members of a committee to determine the distribution of licences in a new town from disqualification for being members of a board by reason of their membership of the committee .
23 number of visitors falling into these categories , and this was taken into account when the response rate was calculated .
24 There are up to a thousand differs of keys bought with these types of locks .
25 The majority of weaves preserved in these ways are plain , with a variety of twills , especially broken diamond twill ; braids are also known ( Crowfoot and Hawkes 1967 ) .
26 At the Salon d'Automne of 1913 Salmon was struck by ‘ The range of colours used in many canvases ’ , but added , ‘ however , the Salon of 1913is a frankly Cubist exhibition ’ .
27 With some exceptions , the role of individuals influenced by these movements was very limited throughout the colonial period .
28 The second will consider the work being done to mobilize the concern and commitment of individuals working in all aspects of health care to ensure that they were genuinely working for the health of the people .
29 At some point early in Mrs Thatcher 's tenure the conclusion was reached that this collection of volumes assembled over many decades was of no great use .
30 In comparison , the sorts of sights offered in such places as Africa and America , though undoubtedly very exciting , would , I am sure , strike the objective viewer as inferior on account of their unseemly demonstrativeness .
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