Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [unc] [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 Sir : The Institute of Statisticians ' role over the last 40 years has been to promote and protect the professional integrity of statisticians not only in this country but in the many others covered by our membership ( 'Wide support for impartial check on official statistics ' , 10 October ) .
2 They will examine the social importance of journalists ' work over the last 25 years , particularly with regards to the Troubles .
3 At Ashness Bridge , one of the most frequented sites in the Lakes , he helped to launch a major programme to combat the erosion caused by the pounding of millions of visitors ' feet over the years .
4 If it were true , why am I , as responsible Minister , spending £567 million of taxpayers ' money over the current public expenditure survey round on regional policy ?
5 Their latest , a prototype 80-to 100-seater called Asuka , has devoured ¥38 billion ( $210m ) of taxpayers ' money over the past 12 years .
6 Also in this category , but published for the first time in this volume , is the article Jackie And Just Seventeen which not only records changes in the content of girls ' magazines over the 80s ( since McRobbie 's original analysis of the late 70s , also included here ) but registers theoretical developments as well through its attention to the ways in which girls as readers both construct their own meanings and interact with the texts .
7 Knives chopping carrots , spoons mixing in spices , rolling-pins rolling out the dough , bubbling pans … there is lots of interesting and colourful action in a well run kitchen , enlivened now and again by the peering of children 's eyes over the table-top at all that is going on .
8 One of its effects had been the cancellation of examinations in most secondary schools , with instead assessment of students ' work over the year being counted towards matriculation .
9 Despite the substantial growth in studies of women 's employment over the past decade , very little comparative analysis has been undertaken in this area .
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