Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Self-government failing to arrive — how extraordinary that he should have thought it would — a campaign for the non-payment of taxes was initiated in Bardoli , near Bombay .
2 A variety of opinions was expressed in Committee , and at the end of our debates some of the opinions were slightly different from those held at the start of our Committee proceedings .
3 Thirty lists of adjectives were constructed from Anderson 's ( 1968 ) list of 555 personality — ; trait words rated for their likableness and meaningfulness .
4 Significantly , this statement of reasons is given in Creole .
5 A set of reasons was given for re-organisation in terms of linking an appropriate size to the functions to be performed in order to reap the benefits of the economies of scale .
6 On the PC front , in addition to the new PageMaker , we have a pair of products being marketed by Software Publishing , the pfs : people .
7 A number of interactions were shown between crypt cell production , dimethylhydrazine administration , small bowel resection , and different sites of the intestine .
8 The effect of analysis techniques on the ranking of investments is shown in Table 4.9 where it can be seen that each method produces a different ranking .
9 The effect of analysis techniques on the ranking of investments is shown in Table 4.9 where it can be seen that each method produces a different ranking .
10 Oil-industry funding for research into sandstone provenance and correlation using heavy-mineral analysis has remained high : a number of projects are funded by oil companies .
11 GRANTS totalling more than £37,000 for a host of projects being run by organisations in Cleveland have been agreed by the county council .
12 Another stated objective of many case management services is the improvement of the client 's quality of life , and there are a great number of attempts being made to measure quality of life ( QOL ) ( Lehman et al. , 1986 ; Oliver , 1991 ) .
13 Evaluations of policies are conducted through research and expert analysis supported by the Presidium 's administrative staff .
14 This vacillation arises , in part , from the fact that such a variety of phenomena are classed as événements .
15 The President , Vice-Presidents and the Senate are elected nationally while members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected by constituencies under a system of proportional representation .
16 Concern over the standard of living of servicemen was answered by Yeltsin , who detailed provisions for them in the Russian budget .
17 First , if a number of subtests are used as part of a larger test , the conversion of the subtest scores to a single standard scale will assist in the interpretation of the subscale scores .
18 To understand the nature of the difference between Roman dome construction and Byzantine and the development of the latter , a series of sketches are given on page 99 in Fig. 175 .
19 Last night , hundreds of calls were received by police after the BBC Crimewatch programme reconstructed the moment that James wandered away from his 25-year-old mother , Denise , while she was in a butcher 's shop .
20 He was born at a time when the great majority of musicians were employed by patrons — wealthy aristocrats , monarchs , or prelates — or as civic musicians working for a town council .
21 Now , nearly the whole output of houses is built under contract to local authorities and the remainder — between a tenth and a fifth of the whole — are built by licence to individual order .
22 In April 1989 a series of houses were raided in West Germany and bomb-making equipment was found , which was thought to be associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) .
23 The same sets of patterns are used for backgrounds and for filling in the fonts themselves .
24 Rapid agreement by the park committees and boards is the norm : the majority of proposals are approved without question : and in most other cases , negotiations lead to the agreed retention or addition of Features of conservation value .
25 The package of proposals was published on Feb. 29 , in the form of a report by an all-party parliamentary committee of 10 senators and 20 members of the House of Commons , and was designed to provide an agenda for forthcoming negotiations between the federal government and the provinces .
26 Six further separate sets of proposals were presented on Nov. 30-Dec. 1 by the USA , by the EC , by the Nordic countries , by India , by Australia and by Bangladesh ( this last on behalf of the LDCs ) .
27 One might go on in that vein to explain that occasional ‘ wrecks ’ of birds occur ( to use the ornithologists ' term ) , where huge numbers of birds are driven off course by a storm , and end up scattered over the land in an exhausted state .
28 Now , sources close to the receivers of the H-M Agency of Los Angeles suggest that it has been conclusively proved that she was involved in the massacre at Dead Rat , Arizona , last year , during which a peaceful force of process-servers were murdered by members of the Maniax gangcult , who then razed the community to the ground .
29 Then a series of keratophyres were extruded on top of the spilites and weathered into rounded hills with detrital pyritous sand banked up against them .
30 Many thousands of signatures were collected on petitions across the region .
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